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History of the City of Porto

Code: HISTO012     Acronym: HCPOR

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of History, Political and International Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in History

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
HISTO 37 HISTO - Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162

Teaching language



Students will be acquainted with the main streams that marked the history of the city of Porto over the centuries, as well as the information on the local sources underlying the knowledge of the city, and provide perspectives on sources for further studies on the city, promoting primary research.

Learning outcomes and competences

This raises consistency between content and objectives, initially addressing the reasons for the growing interest in the history of cities in contemporary historiography, to descend to the motivations of the existence of a specific chair on the History of the City of Porto. Look retrospectively authors and books on the history of Porto and as they develop the various programmatic points, we highlight issues that help to understand the power lines that marked the life of the metropolis Porto over the centuries, meeting the objectives outlined in the plan of the course.

Working method



1. The origins of the city of Porto 1.1. The beginnings of the urban process 1.2. The city in Roman times 1.3. Portucale under the Asturian-Leonese rule 2. Porto in Medieval times 2.1. The city donated by D. Teresa to Bishop D. Hugo (1120) 2.2. From the Episcopal landlord to the royal landlord 2.3. The organisation of the urban space – from the old castle walls to the Ferdinand walls 2.4. The emergence of the mercantile village 2.5. Porto society in the Middle Ages 2.6. Porto during the discoveries and the overseas expansion 3. Porto in modern times 4. The enrichment of the city in the transition from the 15th to the 16th centuries 4.1. Parish divisions and their evolution 4.2. The relation of the city with its area of influence 4.3. The demography of Porto 4.4. Social stratification 4.5. Economic activities and its role players 4.6. Municipal administration 4.7. Porto - a city of wine and its link to Alto Douro 5. The contemporary city 5.1. The 19th century urban space 5.2. Industrial economy ion the second half of the 19th century 5.3. Social transformations 5.4. The political leading role of Porto in contemporary Portugal

Mandatory literature

SILVA, Francisco Ribeiro da ; O Porto entre as Luzes e o Liberalismo , Lisboa: Edições Inapa, 2001.
SILVA, Francisco Ribeiro da; O Porto e o seu Termo - Os Homens as Instituições e o poder (1580-1640), Porto: Câmara Municipal do Porto, 2 vol., 1988.
Segundo plano de A. de Magalhães Basto e dir. de Damião Peres e António Cruz; História da Cidade do Porto , 3 vol.s, Porto, : 1962-1965.
CARDOSO, António Barros ; Baco & Hermes – O Porto e o Comércio Interno e Externo de Vinhos do Douro , Porto: GEHVID – Grupo de História da Viticultura e do Vinho do Porto, 2 vol., 2003.
COSTA, Agostinho Rebelo da ; Descripção Topografica e Histórica da Cidade do Porto , 3ª edição, Lisboa: Edições Frenesi, 2001
SILVA, Francisco Ribeiro da; Absolutismo Esclarecido e Intervenção Popular - Os Motins do Porto de 1757, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda , Lisboa:Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, 1988, 1988
RAMOS, Luís A, de Oliveira (Dir.); História do Porto, 3ª edição, Porto: Porto Editora, 2001
RAMOS, Luís A. de Oliveira; Portuenses na História, Lisboa: Edições Inapa, 2001
CARDOSO, António Barros, SILVA, Francisco Ribeiro da ; Porto do Vinho - Port of Wine, Civilização Editora, 2007
PEREIRA, Gaspar Martins; Estruturas familiares na cidade do Porto em meados do séc. XIX [ Texto policopiado] : a freguesia de Cedofeita , Afrontamento, 1987

Teaching methods and learning activities

In TP classes - presentation of the main programme themes, drawing on the practical use of technical means to project graphic, photographic or any other type of information that may help students understand the issues discusses.


Humanities > History
Humanities > History > Local history

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 75,00
Trabalho escrito 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 106,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

75% attendance of theory-practical classes and tutorials.

Calculation formula of final grade

Average between the final exam grade and a second assessment component to be done in tutorials:
Final exam - the grade corresponds to the average between a first section - mandatory question and a second section consisting of one of two questions.(10 marks for each section) Second assessment component to be done in tutorials: research assignment: Drafting/Presentation (15 marks for drafting - 5 marks for presentation) 

Examinations or Special Assignments

Second assessment component to be done in tutorials: research assignment: Drafting/Presentation

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Working students are not exempted from presenting the practical assignment.

Classification improvement

By taking one of the assessment components (final exam or research assignment)

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