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Medieval History of the Iberian Peninsula

Code: HISTO045     Acronym: HMPEN

Instance: 2014/2015 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of History, Political and International Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in History

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
HISTO 16 HISTO - Study Plan 3 - 6 52 162

Teaching language



Historical evolution, with emphasis in political history, in the Iberian Peninsula, starting with the Visigoths and finishing with the Catholic kings, in articulation with Portuguese History.

Learning outcomes and competences

The main issues in time and space.

Problems related to the research in the medieval history of the peninsula.

Analyze some historical resources.

Bibliography and identification of the main currents.

Working method



PART I – From the Roman Empire to the Hispanic Empire (5th-11th centuries)

1. The invasions in the 5th century and the creation of the Sueve and Visigoth kingdoms (409-586).

2. The Visigoth kingdoms of Toledo: from peak to extinction (569-711). Government institutions and law.

3. The Arab invasion: from the formation of al-Andalus to the Emirate of Cordoba (711-912).

4. From the beginnings of the Christian reaction to the Neo-Gothic ideals of the Reconquest (718-911).

5. The Omeya Caliphate: from its origins to the dictatorship of Almançor (929-1008).

6. From “Presúrias” to the end of the Asturian-Leonese dynasty (866-1037).

7. Hispania in the 11th century: the emergence of the Navarra dynasty and the political reorganisation of the peninsular space (1004-1085).


PART II – Hispania of the Five Kingdoms (11 th to 14 th centuries)

1st Period – From the Almoravids to the Almohads (1086-1230).

1. The Peninsula and the Almoravid invasion.

2. The succession crisis and the “Union Pact”.

3. Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris [Chronicle of Alfonso the Emperor].

4. The five kingdoms –the Closed book exam to peninsular balance.

5. The end of an era: from Alarcos to Navas.


PART II – Hispania of the Five Kingdoms (11th to 14th centuries)

2nd Period – The expansion and affirmation of the monarchy (1230-1350).

6. The Union of Leon and Castile and the “expulsion” of Navarra.

7. Five kingdoms: reconquest, “repartimiento” and a new kingdom.

8. The paths to the consolidation of the monarchy and the political organisation in the peninsular kingdoms.

9. The Aragonese expansion and the conflicts caused by the Western Mediterranean rule.

10. From Alphonse X, the Wise, to Alphonse XI: the King, primus inter pares?

11. The context of the peninsular dynastic relations: a summary.


PART III – New dynasties - the path to the Union (14th - 16th centuries)

1. Pedro I and Henrique II – the Castilian dynastic change.

2. The Iberian One Hundred Years War and the Portuguese dynastic change.

3. The Caspe commitment and the Aragonese dynastic change.

4. The Infantes of Aragon and the triumph of nobility in Castile.

5. The "Civil Wars" – a common peninsular trait.

6. The Catholic Kings and the paths of the Union (1474-1517).

Mandatory literature

ÁLVAREZ PALENZUELA, Vicente (Coord.); Historia de España de la Edad Media, Ariel, 2002
GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR, José Ángel; La Época Medieval, Alianza Editorial, 1988
GARCÍA DE CORTAZAR, José Ángel; Nueva Historia de España en sus textos. Edad Media., Editorial Pico Sacro, 1975. ISBN: 84-85170-08-3
GARCÍA DE VALDEAVELLANO, Luis; Curso de Historia de las Instituciones Españolas, Alianza Editorial, 1982
LEROY, Béatrice; Pouvoirs et Sociétés Politiques en Péninsule Ibérique (XIV-XV siècles), SEDES, 1991. ISBN: 2-7181-3363-5
MENÉNDEZ PIDAL, Ramón (Dir.); Historia de España, Espasa-Calpe
VALDEÓN BARUQUE, Julio; Historia de Castilla y León, Ámbito Ediciones, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-8183-157-3

Complementary Bibliography

LADERO QUESADA, Miguel Ángel; La España de los Reyes Católicos, Alianza Editorial, 2005. ISBN: 84-206-6134-1
MONSALVO ANTÓN, José María; Atlas Histórico de la España Medieval, Editorial Síntesis, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-975666-8-1
SUÁREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Luis; Nobleza y Monarquía. Entendimiento y Rivalidad, La Esfera de los Libros, 2003. ISBN: 84-9734-098-1

Teaching methods and learning activities

In the Theoretical-pratical classes exposition of the programatical contents. In the Tutorial classes the analyzis and exploitation of some documents or data (maps, genealogies).


Humanities > History > Political history
Humanities > History > Medieval history

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 80,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 106,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students are admitted to exams provided that the conditions established in the Assessment Regulations are met.

Calculation formula of final grade

Book report: 20% Exam: 80%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Accordance with Assessment Regulations in force.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Accordance with Assessment Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

Accordance with Assessment Regulations in force.


Classes taught in Portuguese. Tutorials for Erasmus students may, if necessary, be in Spanish, French or English.

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