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Code: HISTO062     Acronym: PREHIS

Instance: 2011/2012 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of History, Political and International Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in History

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
HISTO 131 Study Plan - Hist. w/ Minor in Geography 1 - 6 52 162
Study Plan - History 1 - 6 52 162

Teaching language



Students will be able to recognise the diachronic evolution of how the land was occupied and organised; assess the relative importance of archaeological remains; know the regional variability of archaeological remains and its meaning.

This course sets out to provide knowledge on the main stages of the evolution of humanity in terms of its “biological history”, different survival strategies and social organisation systems.


0. Introduction: Origins and development of prehistoric studies. The Quaternary: Establishing the paleoenvironmental framework and defining a chronology of Prehistory.

1. From primates to men: a history of bodies, behaviours, but especially of intentions (cognitive systems).

2. Hunter-gatherers from the Palaeolithic: survival technologies and strategies. The oldest graves and the first artistic manifestations of the Upper Palaeolithic.

3. Hunter-gatherers post-Palaeolithic: new survival strategies in a new environmental framework. Broad spectrum economy preceding production.

4. The Neolithic. Main explanatory theories on the emergence of Manufacturing Economics. The Neolithic of the Near East. The European Neolithic: South East Europe. Central Europe and North Europe. The Neolithic of the Western Mediterranean. The emergence of the megalithic phenomenon in Atlantic Europe.

5. The Chalcolithic and the Bronze Age in Europe: From the first metallurgical societies to the development of the main civilisations. The increasing complexity of societies: social asymmetries and horizontal/vertical diversity. The basis of the State.

Note. The length of this course programme necessarily requires brief approaches and a selection of programme contents that will take into consideration students’ profiles, their areas of interest and the deficiencies they may have in mastering the field of Prehistory.

Mandatory literature

LEROI-GOURHAN, André ; As religiões da Pré-história, Edições 70, s/d
CHAMPION, T.; GAMBLE, C. et al. ; Prehistoria de Europa, Editorial Crítica, 1988. ISBN: 84-7423-378-X
BARNABEU, J. et al.; Al Oeste del Eden. Las Primeras Sociedades Agrícolas en la Europa Mediterránea, Editorial Sintesis, 1993. ISBN: 84-7738-182-8
STANFORD, Craig B. ; Os Símios Caçadores. Alimentação Carnívora e Origens do Comportamento Humano, Ed. Bizâncio, 2000. ISBN: 972-53-0078-5
JORGE, Susana O. ; Domesticar a Terra, Gradiva, 1999. ISBN: 972-662-686-2
GARANGER, J. (Dir.) ; La Préhistoire dans le Monde. Nouvelle édition de la Préhistoire d’André Leroi-Gourhan, P.U.F - Nouvelle Clio, 1992. ISBN: 2-13-044463-6
JORDAN, P; O Homem Primitivo, Temas e Debates, 2001. ISBN: 972-759-190-6
AMMERMAN, A. J; BIAGI, P. (Eds.) ; The Widening Harvest, Archaeological Institute of America, 2003. ISBN: 1-931909-05-9
ARSUAGA, J. L.; MARTÍNEZ, I. ; La especie elegida. La larga marcha de la evolución humana, Temas de Hoy, 1998. ISBN: 84-7880-909-0
PRICE, T. Douglas (Ed.) ; Europe’s First Farmers, Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0-521-66572-8
HODDER, Ian ; The Domestication of Europe, Blackwell, 1990. ISBN: 9780631177692
LEWIN, Roger ; Principles of Human Evolution, Blackwell Science, 1998. ISBN: 0-86542-542-6
OTTE, M. ; Le Paléolithique inferior et moyen en Europe, Armand Colin, 1996. ISBN: 2-200-01389-2
FOLEY, R. ; Humanos antes da Humanidade, Teorema, 1995. ISBN: 972-695-427-4
WHITTLE, Alasdair ; Europe in the Neolithic. The creations of new worlds, Cambrige University Press, 1996. ISBN: 0-521-44920-0
CAUVIN, Jacques ; Nascimento das Divindades, Nascimento da Agricultura, Instituto Piaget, 1999. ISBN: 972-771-117-0
Hublin, Jean-Jacques; Quand d'autres hommes peuplaient la Terra, Flammarion, 2007. ISBN: ISBN: 978-2-0812-0584-0

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theory-practical classes based mostly on the explanation of programme contents, using, at the same time, various educational resources.


Humanities > History > Prehistory

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 56,00
Exame 2,00 2012-02-17
Total: - 0,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Description Type Time (hours) End date
Estudo autónomo 104 2012-02-17
Total: 104,00

Eligibility for exams

Mandatory 75% attendance of classes taught, in accordance with the Assessment Regulations applicable to 1st Cycle Courses.

Calculation formula of final grade

The grade obtained in the final exam.

Examinations or Special Assignments

In accordance with the Assessment Regulations applicable to 1st Cycle Courses

Classification improvement

Exam during the Resit Period or in the Special Period, provided that the conditions established in the Assessment Regulations applicable to 1st Cycle Courses are met.
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