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Tese de 3º Ciclo de Estudos em Migração e Modernidade: Desafios Históricos e Culturais

Intentions and imaginations of migration among minority group members in the pre-migration phase A study of migration imaginations in Estonia and Italy

Student: Carmen Tasser
Student No.: 201912396
Supervisors: Paula Maria Guerra Tavares
Status: Concluído
Since: 05-JUL-2023
Start: 05-DEZ-2022
Definitive Enrolment: 15-SET-2022
Thesis Submission: 20-JAN-2023
Defence: 05-JUN-2023
Thesis Title: Intentions and imaginations of migration among minority group members in the pre-migration phase A study of migration imaginations in Estonia and Italy
Provisional Title: -

Selection Panel

Name Role
Rui Carvalho Homem Presidente
Maria Mendes Vogal Não Orientador
Jonathan Rokem Vogal Não Orientador
Amanda Koppenfels Vogal Não Orientador
Paula Guerra Vogal Orientador
Roberta Medda-Windischer Vogal Não Orientador
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