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Chemical composition of wild edible mushrooms and antioxidant properties of their water soluble polysaccharidic and ethanolic fractions

Chemical composition of wild edible mushrooms and antioxidant properties of their water soluble polysaccharidic and ethanolic fractions
Article in International Scientific Journal
Josiana A Vaz
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Lillian Barros
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Anabela Martins
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Celestino Santos Buelga
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Helena Vasconcelos, MH
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Isabel C F R Ferreira
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Title: Food ChemistryImported from Authenticus Search for Journal Publications
Vol. 126 No. 3
Pages: 610-616
ISSN: 0308-8146
Publisher: Elsevier
Scientific classification
FOS: Agrarian Sciences > Other Agrarian Sciences
CORDIS: Health sciences > Pharmacological sciences
Other information
Authenticus ID: P-002-RG7
Resumo (PT): Mushrooms have become attractive as functional foods and as a source of physiologically beneficial bioactive compounds. Herein, we describe and compare the chemical constituents (phenolic compounds, macronutrients, sugars, fatty acids, tocopherols and ascorbic acid) of four wild edible mushrooms widely appreciated in gastronomy: Armillaria mellea (Vahl) P. Kumm., Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk, Clitocybe odora (Fr.) P. Kumm., Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Furthermore, the antioxidant activity of their water soluble polysaccharidic and ethanolic fractions was studied by three different in vitro assays. C. comatus revealed the highest concentrations of sugars (43.23/100 g dry weight), PUFA (77.46%), phenolic compounds (45.02 mg/kg), tocopherols (301.03 lg/100 g) and, among all of the fractions tested, its ethanolic fraction showed the highest antioxidant activity (EC50 < 2.6 mg/ml). C. odora revealed one of the highest ascorbic acid (172.65 mg/100 g) contents and its water soluble polysaccharidic fraction showed the best antioxidant properties (EC50 < 3.6 mg/ml) among the polysaccharidic fractions. The studied mushrooms species could potentially be used in well-balanced diets and as a source of bioactive compounds. <br> <br> Keywords: Wild edible mushrooms; Bioactive compounds; Phenolic compounds; Polysaccharides; Chemical composition <br> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T6R-51GHX0H-K&_user=2460038&_coverDate=05%2F15%2F2011&_rdoc=32&_fmt=high&_orig=browse&_origin=browse&_zone=rslt_list_item&_srch=doc-info(%23toc%235037%232011%23998739997%232828767%23FLA%23display%23Volume)&_cdi=5037&_sort=d&_docanchor=&_ct=62&_acct=C000057398&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=2460038&md5=e6847010d9200967ffa4eaeb731e35df&searchtype=a "> Texto integral </a> <br> <br>
Abstract (EN): Mushrooms have become attractive as functional foods and as a source of physiologically beneficial bioactive compounds. Herein, we describe and compare the chemical constituents (phenolic compounds, macronutrients, sugars, fatty acids, tocopherols and ascorbic acid) of four wild edible mushrooms widely appreciated in gastronomy: Armillaria mellea (Vahl) P. Kumm., Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk, Clitocybe odora (Fr.) P. Kumm., Coprinus comatus (OF. Mull.) Pers. Furthermore, the antioxidant activity of their water soluble polysaccharidic and ethanolic fractions was studied by three different in vitro assays. C. comatus revealed the highest concentrations of sugars (43.23/100 g dry weight), PUFA (77.46%), phenolic compounds (45.02 mg/kg), tocopherols (301.03 mu g/100 g) and, among all of the fractions tested, its ethanolic fraction showed the highest antioxidant activity (EC(50) < 2.6 mg/ml). C. odora revealed one of the highest ascorbic acid (172.65 mg/100 g) contents and its water soluble polysaccharidic fraction showed the best antioxidant properties (EC(50) < 3.6 mg/ml) among the polysaccharidic fractions. The studied mushrooms species could potentially be used in well-balanced diets and as a source of bioactive compounds.
Language: English
Type (Professor's evaluation): Scientific
Contact: iferreira@ipb.pt
No. of pages: 7
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