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Publications with the same journal as the Karlodinium veneficum: growth optimization, metabolite characterization and biotechnological potential survey publication

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Another Publication in an International Scientific Journal

Moreira, C (Author) (Other); Azevedo, J (Author) (Other); Antunes, A (Author) (FCUP); Vasconcelos, V (Author) (FCUP)

Article in International Scientific Journal

Saker, ML (Author) (Other); Fastner, J (Author) (Other); Dittmann, E (Author) (Other); Christiansen, G (Author) (Other); Vasconcelos, VM (Author) (FCUP)
A. C Queiroga (Author) (Other); M. E. Pintado (Author) (Other); F. X. Malcata (Author) (FEUP)
Mendes Ferreira, A (Author) (Other); Barbosa, C (Author) (Other); Ines, A (Author) (Other); Mendes Faia, A (Author) (Other)
Joana Teodósio (Author) (FEUP); M. Simões (Author) (FEUP); F. J. Mergulhão (Author) (FEUP)
Adriano Bordalo (Author) (ICBAS); Onrassami, R (Author) (Other); Dechsakulwatana, C (Author) (Other)
Micheletti, E (Author) (Other); Colica, G (Author) (Other); Viti, C (Author) (Other); Tamagnini, P (Author) (FCUP); De Philippis, R (Author) (Other)
M. D. Machado (Author) (Other); S. Janssens (Author) (Other); H. M. V. M. Soares (Author) (FEUP); E. V. Soares (Author) (Other)
Anabela Borges (Author) (FEUP); Lopez Romero, JC (Author) (Other); Oliveira, D. (Author) (FEUP); Giaouris, E (Author) (Other); Simões M (Author) (FEUP)
Parker, ML (Author) (Other); Gunning, PA (Author) (Other); Macedo, AC (Author) (Other); F. Xavier Malcata (Author) (Other); Brocklehurst, TF (Author) (Other)
Aires A (Author) (Other); Mota VR, (Author) (Other); Saavedra MJ, (Author) (Other); Monteiro A, (Author) (Other); Simões M, (Author) (Other); Rosa EA, (Author) (Other); Bennett RN (Author) (Other)
Aires, A (Author) (Other); Mota, VR (Author) (Other); Saavedra, MJ (Author) (Other); Monteiro, AA (Author) (Other); Simoes, M (Author) (FEUP); Rosa, EAS (Author) (Other); Bennett, RN (Author) (Other)
Carvalho, AS (Author) (Other); Silva, J (Author) (Other); Ho, P (Author) (Other); Teixeira, P (Author) (Other); F. Xavier Malcata (Author) (Other); Gibbs, P (Author) (Other)
Magalhaes, C (Author) (Other); Bano, N (Author) (Other); Wiebe, WJ (Author) (Other); Hollibaugh, JT (Author) (Other); Adriano Bordalo (Author) (ICBAS)
Laranjo, M (Author) (Other); Branco, C (Author) (Other); soares, r (Author) (FMDUP); Alho, L (Author) (Other); Carvalho, MDE (Author) (Other); Oliveira, S (Author) (Other)
F. K. Tavaria (Author) (Other); J. C. Soares (Author) (Other); I. L. Reis (Author) (Other); M. H. Paulo (Author) (Other); F. X. Malcata (Author) (FEUP); M. E. Pintado (Author) (Other)
Kongo, JM (Author) (Other); Ho, AJ (Author) (Other); F. Xavier Malcata (Author) (Other); Wiedmann, M (Author) (Other)

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