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Publications with the same authors as the Relatório Final do Processo de Avaliação e Certificação dos Manuais de História - Viver a História 8 da Santillana/Constância publication

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Academic Work

Technical Report

Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Luís Alberto M. Alves (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)

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