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Publications with the same authors as the Sources of Information about Food among Community Living Older Adults. Results From The Pronutrisenior Project publication

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Summary of Presentation in a National Conference

Oliveira, L. (Author) (FCNAUP); Poínhos, Rui (Author) (FCNAUP); Almeida, Maria Daniel Vaz de (Author) (FCNAUP)
Oliveira, L. (Author) (FCNAUP); Poínhos, Rui (Author) (FCNAUP); Almeida, Maria Daniel Vaz de (Author) (FCNAUP)

Summary of Presentation in an International Conference

Oliveira, L. (Author) (FCNAUP); Poínhos, Rui (Author) (FCNAUP); Almeida, Maria Daniel Vaz de (Author) (FCNAUP)
Oliveira, L. (Author) (FCNAUP); Poínhos, Rui (Author) (FCNAUP); Almeida, Maria Daniel Vaz de (Author) (FCNAUP)
Oliveira, L. (Author) (FCNAUP); Poínhos, Rui (Author) (FCNAUP); Almeida, Maria Daniel Vaz de (Author) (FCNAUP)
Oliveira, L. (Author) (FCNAUP); Poínhos, Rui (Author) (FCNAUP); Almeida, Maria Daniel Vaz de (Author) (FCNAUP)
Oliveira, L. (Author) (FCNAUP); Poínhos, Rui (Author) (FCNAUP); Almeida, Maria Daniel Vaz de (Author) (FCNAUP)
Oliveira, L. (Author) (FCNAUP); Poínhos, Rui (Author) (FCNAUP); Almeida, Maria Daniel Vaz de (Author) (FCNAUP)

Article in International Scientific Journal

Oliveira, L. (Author) (FCNAUP); Poínhos, Rui (Author) (FCNAUP); Almeida, Maria Daniel Vaz de (Author) (FCNAUP)

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