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Publications with the same scientific areas as the Physico-chemical and enzymatic properties of PVGLIG and PVGLIG-alginate hydrogels publication

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Ana Rita Correia Brandão Simões Barros (Author) (FEUP)
Ana Patrícia Pereira Mendes Cardoso (Author) (FEUP)
Lucinda Maria Senra Rodrigues Matos (Author) (FEUP)
João Pedro Ferreira Alves Fernandes (Author) (FEUP)

Another Publication in an International Scientific Journal

Silvia J Bidarra (Author) (Other); Cristina C Barrias (Author) (Other); Pedro L Granja (Author) (FEUP)
Raquel Maia, FR (Author) (Other); Silvia J Bidarra (Author) (Other); Pedro L Granja (Author) (FEUP); Cristina C Barrias (Author) (Other)
Vieira, AC (Author) (FEUP); Guedes, RM (Author) (FEUP); Marques, AT (Author) (FEUP)

Other Publications

Bidarra, SJ (Author) (Other); Barrias, CC (Author) (Other); Barbosa, MA (Author) (Other); Soares, R (Author) (FMUP); Granja, PL (Author) (FEUP)
Santos, JL (Author) (FCUP); Rodrigues, J (Author) (Other); Pego, AP (Author) (FEUP); Granja, PL (Author) (FEUP); Tomas, H (Author) (Other)
Sargo, S (Author) (Other); Santos, JL (Author) (FCUP); Rodrigues, J (Author) (Other); Pego, AP (Author) (FEUP); Granja, PL (Author) (FEUP); Tomas, H (Author) (Other)
Guerreiro, S (Author) (Other); Negrao, R (Author) (FMUP); Oliveira, MJ (Author) (FEUP); Barbosa, MA (Author) (Other); Soares, R (Author) (FMUP); Granja, PL (Author) (FEUP)
Guerreiro, SG (Author) (Other); Unger, RE (Author) (Other); Sartoris, A (Author) (Other); Martins, MJ (Author) (FMUP); Barbosa, MA (Author) (Other); Soares, R (Author) (FMUP); Granja, PL (Author) (FEUP); Kirkpatrick, CJ (Author) (Other)
Silva, JP (Author) (Other); Ramos, R (Author) (Other); Rodrigues, AC (Author) (Other); Costa, R (Author) (Other); Guardao, L (Author) (Other); Soares, R (Author) (FMUP); Vilanova, M (Author) (ICBAS); Domingues, L (Author) (Other); Gama, MF (Author) (Other)


Pires, JCM (Editor) (FEUP)

Summary of Presentation in an International Conference

Hanna Hartmann (Author) (Other); Stefanie Vollmer (Author) (Other); Hugo Oliveira (Author) (Other); Ana P Pego (Author) (FEUP); Burkhard Schlosshauer (Author) (Other)
Hanna Hartmann (Author) (Other); Susanne Hossfeld (Author) (Other); Ursula Mittnacht (Author) (Other); Hugo Oliveira (Author) (Other); Ana P Pego (Author) (FEUP); Dieter Stoll (Author) (Other); Rumen Krastev (Author) (Other); Burkhard Schlosshauer (Author) (Other)
Bidarra, S (Author) (Other); Fonseca, K (Author) (Other); Granja, PL (Author) (FEUP); Barrias, CC (Author) (Other)
Nadine Hoffmann (Author) (Other); Hanna Hartmann (Author) (Other); Ursula Mittnacht (Author) (Other); Kenneth A Howard (Author) (Other); Hugo Oliveira (Author) (Other); Ana P Pego (Author) (FEUP); San Hein (Author) (Other); Burkhard Schlosshauer (Author) (Other)
Grellier, M (Author) (Other); Bareille, R (Author) (Other); Bourget, C (Author) (Other); Ferreira Tojais, N (Author) (Other); Granja, P (Author) (FEUP); Barbosa, M (Author) (Other); Amedee, J (Author) (Other)

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