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Publications with the same journal as the Toxicity screening of soils from different mine areas—A contribution to track the sensitivity and variability of Arthrobacter globiformis assay publication

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Another Publication in an International Scientific Journal

Jesus, J (Author) (Other); Frascari, D (Author) (Other); Pozdniakova, T (Author) (Other); Anthony Steven Danko (Author) (FEUP)
Frascari, D (Author) (Other); Zanaroli, G (Author) (Other); Anthony Steven Danko (Author) (FEUP)
Vitor Vilar (Author) (FEUP); Dionysiou, DD (Author) (Other); Torres Palma, R (Author) (Other); Malato, S (Author) (Other); Li Puma, G (Author) (Other)
Lucia H M L M Santos (Author) (Other); Araujo, AN (Author) (FFUP); Adriano Fachini (Author) (Other); Pena, A (Author) (Other); Delerue Matos, C (Author) (Other); Montenegro, MCBSM (Author) (FFUP)
Vasanth V Kumar (Author) (Other); Porkodi, K (Author) (Other); Rocha, F (Author) (FEUP)
Rivera Utrilla, J (Author) (Other); Sanchez Polo, M (Author) (Other); Gomez Serrano, V (Author) (Other); Alvarez, PM (Author) (Other); Conceição Alvim Ferraz (Author) (FEUP); Joana Dias (Author) (FEUP)
João C. G. Sousa (Author) (Other); Ana Rita Ribeiro (Author) (FEUP); Marta O. Barbosa (Author) (Other); Manuel Fernando R. Pereira (Author) (FEUP); Adrián M. T. Silva (Author) (FEUP)
Nuno Ratola (Author) (FEUP); Filipa Gomes (Author) (FEUP); Maria do Rosário Rocha (Author) (FEUP); Arminda Alves (Author) (FEUP)

Article in International Scientific Journal

Sílvia C. R. Santos (Author) (FEUP); Vítor J. P. Vilar (Author) (FEUP); Rui A. R. Boaventura (Author) (FEUP)
Nabil Jallouli (Author) (Other); Kais Elghniji (Author) (Other); Olfa Hentati (Author) (Other); Ana Rita Ribeiro (Author) (FEUP); Adrián M. T. Silva (Author) (FEUP); Mohamed Ksibi (Author) (Other)
silva, a (Author) (Other); delerue-matos, c (Author) (Other); fiuza, a (Author) (FEUP)
Silva, A (Author) (Other); Delerue Matos, C (Author) (Other); António Fiúza (Author) (FEUP)
A. I. Rita (Author) (Other); A. L. Monteiro (Author) (Other); R. M. Albuquerque (Author) (Other); Deolinda Flores (Author) (FCUP); J. C. Ribeiro (Author) (Other); Luís Madeira (Author) (FEUP); S. sanches (Author) (Other)
Carmen Rodrigues (Author) (FEUP); Luis M. Madeira (Author) (FEUP); Rui A. R. Boaventura (Author) (FEUP)
Luís M. Madeira (Author) (FEUP); Luís C. Matos (Author) (FEUP); Adélio Mendes (Author) (FEUP); Filipa Duarte (Author) (FEUP); Isabel Mesquita (Author) (FEUP); F. J. Maldonado-Hódar (Author) (Other)
Sílvia C. R. Santos (Author) (FEUP); Rui A. R. Boaventura (Author) (FEUP)

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