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Publications with the same authors as the Tarrafal na memória dos prisioneiros (1936-1954) publication

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Academic Work

Margarida Pereira (Author) (Other); Helena Pinto (Author) (Other); Fernando Almeida (Author) (Other); Manuel Loff (Author) (FLUP)

Educational Publication

Manuel Loff (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)
Manuel Loff (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)


Fernando Rosas (Editor) (Other); Manuel Loff (Editor) (FLUP)
Manuel Loff (Author) (FLUP)
Sofia Ferreira (Author) (Other); Manuel Loff (Author) (FLUP)
Iva Delgado (Editor) (Other); António Cluny (Editor) (Other); Carlos Pacheco (Editor) (Other); Ricardo Monteiro (Editor) (Other); Manuel Loff (Editor) (FLUP)


Manuel Loff (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)

Chapter or Part of a Book

Manuel Loff (Author) (FLUP)
Eliseu Gonçalves (Author) (FAUP); Maria Fernanda Rollo (Director) (Other); Ernesto Castro Leal (Coordinator) (Other); Manuel Loff (Coordinator) (Other); Paulo Fontes (Coordinator) (Other); Vitor Neto (Coordinator) (Other); David Luna de Carvalho (Coordinator) (Other); Helder Fonseca (Coordinator) (Other)
Manuel Loff (Author) (FLUP)

Article in National Scientific Journal

Manuel Loff (Author) (FLUP)
Manuel Loff (Author) (FLUP)
Manuel Loff (Author) (FLUP)
Manuel Loff (Author) (FLUP)
Manuel Loff (Technical Reviewer) (FLUP)

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