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Project/Service Agreement:228862

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Projeto EncerradoClosed
General Data
Code: 64087
Reference: 228862
Short name: MACADEMIA
Title: MOFs as catalysts and adsorbents: Discovery and engineering of materials for industrial applications
Competitive Funding: Yes
Does it involve businesses?:
No. of Participating Institutions: 15
Type: Funded Project
Geographical Scope: International
Type of Action: R&TD
Programme: 7.º Programa-Quadro de IDT
Funding Institution: COMISSÃO EUROPEIA
Financial Geographical Scope: International
Effective Start Date: 2009-07-01
Expected Completion Date: 2013-06-30
Effective Completion Date: 2013-06-30
Currency: EUR
Total Approved Budget: 11.557.229,00 EUR
Summary: A major challenge facing European industry involves the development of more specific, energy saving processes with less environmental impact. The recent development of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) may prove a major milestone in achieving these goals. MACADEMIA project is an extension to FP6 STREP (DeSANNS) which highlighted some MOF materials for CO2 capture and storage.
It will expand and continue this work on a much larger scale. BASF and TOTAL companies, major industrial partners, complement each other s expertise: BASF is one of the few manufacturers of MOFs with unique know-how in up-scaled synthesis and shaping and TOTAL s focus is on bringing MOFs to key market sectors - gas separation and storage, liquid separation and catalysis. The TOTAL-led consortium, with BASF, then TOTAL PF/RM as industrial partners, 11 academic partners from across EU, one leading South Korean partner, among world leaders in their particular domain of MOF science, will be contributing to the project, with a dedicated management partner. MACADEMIA intends to produce new MOFs and optimise those already of promising interest, characterise MOFs using specialised techniques, test MOFs using a three-tiered process, use predictive modelling and demonstrate the use of MOFs in key industrial processes.
It will target separation processes in gas / vapour phase (propene /propane, acid gases separation, CO2 and H2 purification), in liquid phase (xylene separations, recovery of N- and/or S-compounds from hydrocarbons), and in catalysis (Lewis-acid MOFs as catalysts for epoxide polymerization, redox-active MOFs as catalysts for hydrocarbon autoxidation). Several of MACADEMIA s targets are expected to reach pilot scale whereas a blue sky approach will be taken for others giving room for innovation and step change. An attractive project, it is open to young researchers with industrially coordinated research to counterbalance competition from USA and Japan.
URL: http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=FP7_PROJ_EN&ACTION=D&DOC=1&CAT=PROJ&QUERY=012646b62f83:3d45:0a856674&RCN=92878
Scientific Context
Scientific Domain (FOS - Level 2): Engineering and technology > Chemical engineering

Academic fields (CORDIS - Level 5)

  • Technological sciences > Engineering > Chemical engineering


Mais informações There are no Keywords associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Documents associated with the Project.

Publications associated with the Project

Institutions Participating in the Project
Institution Contact Create Tab?
Name Short name Country Type Participation Name Telephone Email
TOTAL, S.A. França Company Coordinator
BASF Group BASF Alemanha Company Partner
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS França RD Institute Partner
Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Zu Kiel Alemanha University Partner
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto FEUP Portugal University Partner Alírio Rodrigues arodrig@fe.up.pt
Faculté Polytechnique de Mons FPM Bélgica Polytechnic Partner
Imperial College of London ICSTM Reino Unido University Partner
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven KUL Bélgica University Partner
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Coreia do Sul Status Partner
Universidade Politecnica de Valencia UPV Espanha University Partner
University of Edinburgh Reino Unido University Partner
University of Warwick UWUK Reino Unido University Partner
Univerzita Karlova V Praze República Checa University Partner
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski Polónia University Partner
USTAV FYZIKALNI CHEMIE J. HEYROVSKEHO AV CR, V. V. I. República Checa University Partner
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 684.461,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 514.096,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: 170.365,00 EUR
Funding Rate: 75 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FEUP Alexandre Filipe Porfírio Ferreira AFPF Researcher 0 15
FEUP Alírio Egídio Rodrigues AER Official Researcher at the OU 0 25
FEUP Ana Mafalda Almeida Peixoto Ribeiro AMR Researcher 0 15
FEUP João Carlos Godinho de Faria dos Santos JCGFS Researcher 0 15
FEUP José Miguel Loureiro JML Researcher 0 15
FEUP Mariana Augusta Neves Moreira MAM 0 0
FEUP Marta González Plaza M Researcher 0 15

Technicians in the Project

Technician Contact
FEUP 506601 Liliana Carla Tavares Coelho
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
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