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International Congress on Syntax (in honour of Professor Ana Maria Brito)

Deadline for abstract submission: February 15, 2022

The Centre of Linguistics of the University of Porto is pleased to announce the International Congress on Syntax, which will be held in honour of Professor Ana Maria Brito.
The congress will take place from 13 to 15 July 2022, at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, Portugal.

Ana Maria Brito a (retired) Full Professor of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP), since 1st January 2021. Her teaching activity and extensive scientific production have mainly focused on syntax and its interfaces with semantics and morphology. She has also worked on comparative syntax, syntactic variation and the teaching of syntax. 

Given the research interests of our honoree, this congress will include the following themes:
- Syntax (various theoretical frameworks)
- Syntax and Interfaces
- Comparative Syntax
- Syntax and Linguistic Variation
- Syntax and Teaching 

We invite abstract submissions for oral presentation (20 min for presentation + 10 min for discussion), poster (permanent exhibition, with a brief presentation session) or both.The working languages of the congress will be Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.

We are very pleased to have the following prestigious keynote speakers:
Esther Rinke (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
Giampaolo Salvi (Università Eötvös Loránd – Budapest)
Violeta Demonte (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Abstracts should be anonymous and no longer than two pages A4, including references and examples, with margins of at least 2,5 cm, font Times New Roman, size 12, single spaced. Each author may only submit two abstracts: one as the only author or the first author and another as a co-author but not the first one. Please indicate in your submission whether your abstract should be considered for oral presentation, poster 
presentation or both. 
The abstracts should be submitted in PDF format through EasyChair(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cisyntax2022) no later than February 15, 2022.

Extended deadline for abstract submission: February 15, 2022
Notification of acceptance: March 30, 2022

For more information on the congress, please visit our website: http://CISyntax2022.wordpress.com
For any enquiry, please write to: conferencia.ambrito@gmail.com

The organizing committee,
Celda Morgado 
Inês Oliveira 
Isabel Margarida Duarte
Joana Teixeira
José António Costa
Maria Clara Barros
Rui Sousa-Silva

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