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XIII Jornadas Internacionais "Grandes Problemáticas do Espaço Europeu"

25-27 May | 9h00 | Amphitheater 2

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In a world of uncertainty and a growing array of problems, a highly diversified and dynamic territorial mosaic, however, still persists, particularly within Europe. Its potential is manifold, inspiring strategies aimed at more responsible, intelligent and inclusive development. The economic approach has been broadened to include the environmental and sociocultural dimensions, leading to policies focused on the conservation of landscapes, the safeguarding of heritage and the revitalisation of social frameworks. This latter aspect, though, requires more urgent attention, given the rise in migratory flows throughout the continent, and the spread of territorial unbalances and inequalities, while antagonisms at several levels are being revived.

These negative trends are, nevertheless, offset by a new focus on the social dimension in national policies. New strategies are explored which include family convergence and the renegotiation of the conflicts that have given rise to the continuous migrations. It should be noted that the migratory flows are starting to be regarded as opportunities, particularly with regard to the structural rejuvenation of the European population. These issues should then be seen as a means to foster more responsible and balanced development, allied to policies aimed at preserving ecological, economic, cultural, religious and political diversity. The framework of development should be innovative, addressing for example, a circular economy or a bioeconomy, based on digital resources, on increasing literacy, on education and on knowledge. These measures will also lead to greater efficiency in the management of endogenous resources, rooted in more sustainable, innovative and intelligent development and in territorial cohesion.

A problematic situation does, however, persist globally, which obliges us to continue to reflect on this territorial diversity, correlating the European space with other spaces, such as the Lusophone, particularly Brazil, with which joint projects and strategic aggregating studies have been developed. The 13th International Seminars on the “Overarching Issues of the European Space” aims to address these issues through multiple approaches, in a multidisciplinary and interuniversity setting inviting specialists from several countries to participate. The intention is to deepen synergies focused on promoting social, cultural, economic and environmental cohesion and revitalisation. Thus, the “Sustainable Development Goals” and “World Goals” upheld by the United Nations may be gradually implemented, on the basis of which global development should be structured and built upon over the next 15 years. It includes areas as diversified as climate change, economic and social inequality, innovation and sustainable technological and economic development, as well as peace and justice. Thus, continuing this initiative, the International Seminars on the “Overarching Issues of the European Space”, is firmly justified.

Registration is required for all participants.
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