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Third cycle of studies in History

The PhD in History students shall:

  • Reveal systematic understanding capacities in the domains of History;
  • Develop competences, skills and methods adequate to this area of research;
  • Reveal conceiving, projecting, adapting and achieving significant research capacities,
  • respecting the requirements imposed by the academic quality patterns and integrity;
  • Demonstrate a capacity to perform original historical research works, contributing to the broadening of knowledge borders and deserving national or international diffusion in publications with a selection committee;
  • Show the capacities to analyse critically, to assess and to sum new and complex ideas;
  • Show communication capacity with his/her peers, the academic community and society in general, concerning the History specialization area;
  • Demonstrate capacities to promote, in an academic and professional context, technological, social and cultural progress.



  • Degree approved under Art. 54 of the Teaching Career Statute (Decree-Law no. 15/2007, of 19/01), regulated by Ordinance no. 334/2008, of 30/04, for the group 200 (Portuguese and Social Studies/History) and 400 (History). (Order of His Excellency the Secretary of State of Education, July 21st 2009)
  • Schedule::

    • Friday: 15h30- 19h30
    • Saturday: 9h00 - 13h00

    General information

    Official Code: 9341
    Director: Luís Miguel Duarte
    Acronym: DHIS
    Academic Degree: Doctor
    Type of course/cycle of studies: Doctoral Degree
    Start: 2007/2008
    Duration: 3 Years

    Study Plan


    • History (180 ECTS credits)
    • Doctoral Course in History (60 ECTS credits)

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