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Integrated Master and Phd in Human Geography - Territory and Development

InformationThe course/CS does not admit students in 2008/2009.

Main fields of study
Human Geography; Town and Country Planning

Official length of programme

  • Specialisation course – 2 academic semesters;
  • Masters – 2 academic semesters and 2 semesters to prepare the thesis;
  • Ph.D. – 2 academic semesters and 8 semesters to prepare the thesis.

    Admission requirements
    1. First degree in Geography with the minimum final average grade of 14 (grading scale of 0-20).
    2. Applicants may also hold a degree with a final average grade lower than 14, as long as relevant experience and/or a professional or equivalent qualification is judged to be sufficient to undertake the programme.
    3. A first degree in other scientific areas or a legally equivalent foreign degree, as long as relevant experience and/or a professional or equivalent qualification is judged to be sufficient to undertake the programme.

    Course Description
    The Course’s Major Guidelines
    Postgraduate, specialised training has come to present crucial challenges to the educational system, where there is an urgent need to boost fundamental research without loosing sight of major territorial transformations, the capacity to intervene and, at the same time, broaden the levels of training to larger groups.
    The aim of the Postgraduate Integrated Course in Human Geography - Territory and Development, is grounded on three essential aspects: specialised training, updating knowledge, and improving the professional skills of graduates or MA’s in Geography, Sociology, Anthropology, Architecture and other scientific areas, especially within the Social and Human Sciences.
    The course is organised so that students aquire a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand, develop scientific maturity, technical experience and analysis skills, and become acquainted with the necessary know-how and references of professional excellence in different domains, such as in teaching, research or in practical applications.
    Thus the course is particularly directed at emphasising the importance of rethinking the territory while broadening students’ knowledge and diversifying the ways in which it can be updated, by testing and applying explanatory models and analysing diagnosis and intervention methodologies.
    At the same time, the sense of utility which is central to scientific research, the awareness of change and the constantly renewed dynamics which affect territorially-based processes lead to the conclusion that planning is an essential option in modern life, a crucial vector in the collective future and in promoting individual values. At a time when most of the population and activities are concentrated in urban areas, when rural and mountain areas are rapidly suffering population loss or when mobility and inter-relations are rapidly evolving, vast fields of research are thus opened, justifying analysis of and research on territory and development.


    The Specialisation Course comprises a curricular part with subjects in two semesters, for a total duration of one year.
    The Masters Course comprises a curricular part with subjects in two semesters, and the preparation of a Masters dissertation during an identical period of two semesters, with a total duration of two years.
    The Ph.D. Course comprises a curricular part with subjects in four semesters and the preparation of a Ph.D. thesis, covering six semesters, corresponding to a total duration of 5 years. The title of Doctor is awarded after concluding and successfully defending the thesis in public exams.
    The course’s organisation requires that students attend the seminars and participate in scientific activities.

    Career Prospects
    Graduates from this Course are qualified to exercise professional activities in the following fields:

  • Teaching of Geography in secondary education;
  • Teaching in higher education;
  • Activities in companies/institutions working in territorial, urban and rural planning;
  • Local government;
  • Research.


    No edition in 2007/2008 and following years
  • General information

    Official Code: 3408
    Acronym: CIGH
    Type of course/cycle of studies: Doctoral Degree
    Start: 2002/2003
    End: 2008/2009
    Duration: 5 Years

    Study Plan

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