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3rd Cycle of Studies in Communication and Information Sciences

Image with quote from Manuel Castells, Spanish sociologist:

The Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), accredited this study cycle unconditionally (see the documents here).
Please consult the study cycle official documents.



The 3rd cycle (PhD) in Communication and Information Sciences is taught by teachers from the Department of Communication and Information Sciences, who are mostly researchers from CITCEM (Center for Transdisciplinary Research “Culture, Space and Memory”), a R&D unit funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology.

This cycle of studies aims to enable graduates or masters to deepen their knowledge at an advanced postgraduate level, as well as to develop autonomous research skills, combining an integrated approach to Communication and Information Sciences. This integrated perspective is conveyed through a mandatory course in the 1st semester of the 1st year, which is complemented with 3 more optional courses, which can be more directed towards Information Science or Communication Sciences issues, or transversal to these two subareas.

It seeks to respond to the diverse interests of students, both those who want to develop research around more traditional issues and contexts, and those who wish to address topics with a strong digital component.

It is also a strategic instrument in articulation with the CITCEM Information, Communication and Digital Culture Research Group. 



  1. deepen and structure advanced skills in academic and professional fields;
  2. favor the exercise of research guided by standards of academic excellence and innovation, with regard to its design, management and dissemination;
  3. stimulate the continuous systematization and production of original knowledge and its dissemination, nationally and internationally, in scientific/academic communities with recognized credits in the field of Communication and Information Sciences;
  4. promote contact and collaboration with national and international researchers of recognized competence in the field of the study cycle;
  5. stimulate the development of lifelong learning skills. 


Professional Abilities

This doctoral program aims to develop skills:

  1. to work in scientific research contexts or within work environments linked to Communication and Information Sciences (areas of social communication, organizational communication, communication consultancy, information management, information systems planning, etc.);
  2. of critical and well-founded understanding and use of research methods in Communication and Information Sciences;
  3. for the design and development of rigorous and consistent research, respecting the demands imposed by academic quality and integrity standards;
  4. to carry out original research work that contributes to expanding the frontiers of knowledge in the area of human and institutional communication and information science;
  5. for sustained professional performance in the investigation and its dissemination.



For more information see:
Candidate webpage | Academic Portal

   Applications calendar and number of vacancies
   Tuition fees
   Minimum number of students: 5
  Candidate selection criteria:

  • Academic curriculum;
  • Scientific curriculum;
  • Professional curriculum;
  • Motivation for attending the program and interview.


For scientific and academic issues - contact the programme director: cci@letras.up.pt
For administrative matters
 - contact the Academic Management Office: sga@letras.up.pt
For international mobility students - contact the International Office: sri@letras.up.pt

General information

Official Code: D021
Director: Fernanda Ribeiro
Acronym: DCCI
Academic Degree: Doctor
Type of course/cycle of studies: Doctoral Degree
Start: 2024/2025
Duration: 6 Semesters

Study Plan


  • Communication and Information Sciences (180 ECTS credits)
  • Master Course in Communication and Information Sciences (60 ECTS credits)

Main Scientific Areas

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