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Bachelor in Literature and Interart Studies

InformationO curso/CE encontra-se acreditado pela Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES).

Image and quote from Agustina Bessa-Luís, Agustina Bessa-Luís, Portuguese writer and novelist:

The Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), accredited this study cycle  unconditionally (see the documents here).
Please consult the study cycle official documents.

Started in 2022-23, at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, with a unique profile in our country, the degree in Literature and Interarts Studies, supported by "Impulso Jovens STEAM" (PRR) within the scope of UP's Multidisciplinary Training Programme, meets the need for academic training that is both solid and versatile, responding to the epistemological and social challenges of pluri- and interdisciplinarity in the most diverse professional and scientific areas involving Culture.


This cycle of studies (EC) aims to provide the acquisition of fundamental knowledge in the field of Literary Studies and Interarts Studies, with an emphasis on Portuguese Literature in dialogue with other literatures and/or artistic expressions, by privileging theoretical and critical perspectives of a comparative, intermedial and intercultural nature.

Professional Abilities

The Degree in Literature and Interarts Studies (LIS) aims to provide its students with comprehensive and articulated knowledge in the field of literary culture, as well as in its relations with Theatre, Music, Cinema, Visual Arts or Digital Media, which will enable them to develop skills of critical analysis, production and organization of contents, essential for the exercise of professions related to cultural mediation.

The curricular plan of this course includes, in the last semester, the realization of a Project that combines knowledge and action in the scientific areas of the Course, including a brief internship in a cultural institution under a Protocol with UP-FLUP.

Employment Prospects

Graduates in Literature and Interarts Studies are able to develop a professional activity in areas such as:

  • Cultural advisory and promotion (Libraries, Town Halls, Museums, Foundations, Cultural Centres, Film Houses, Consulates/Embassies of Portugal abroad ...);
  • Editorial activity;
  • Consultancy in interdisciplinary/interartistic projects;
  • Teaching Portuguese - Foreign Language or Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd cycle and secondary school (after concluding the respective Masters - please consult the respective access conditions).

Graduates in LIS are also qualified to pursue 2nd cycle studies (Masters) in areas such as Literature, Theatre, Cinema, Multimedia Communication, among others.




For scientific and academic issues - contact the course director: lei@letras.up.pt
For administrative questions - contact the Academic Management Office: sga@letras.up.pt
For international mobility students - contact the International Office: sri@letras.up.pt

In addition to the regular purposes of your personal data use by U.Porto, related to the selection and ranking of applications and, subsequently, to the academic management of selected candidates, please be informed that, given the framework of this training course within the "U.Porto Programme for Multidisciplinary Education and Training - Impulso Jovens STEAM & Impulso Adultos" (PRR), the identification of all participants (name, VAT no. and contact details) must be communicated to the Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior (Directorate-General for Higher Education) for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the project.
Any questions about the treatment of your data may be addressed to the Data Protection Officer at U.Porto, at: dpo@reit.up.pt.

The Bachelor’s in Literature and Interart Studies is funded by the «Next Generation EU» programme under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), through the «U.Porto Programme for Multidisciplinary Education and Training – Impulso Jovens STEAM & Impulso Adultos».

General information

Official Code: L251
Director: Ana Paula Coutinho Mendes
Acronym: LEI
Academic Degree: Bachelor
Type of course/cycle of studies: First Degree
Start: 2022/2023
Duration: 3 Years

Study Plan


  • Bachelor in Literature and Interart Studies (180 ECTS credits)

Main Scientific Areas

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