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Third cycle of studies in Languages Didactics

1. The cycle of studies conducive to the PhD degree in Languages Didactics is organized by the European credit system (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System – ECTS).
2. The cycle of studies is six semesters-long and contemplates: <br< a) A PhD course, correspondent to the first two semesters. The students shall attend two curricular units each semester, fulfilling a total of 12 ECTS. In both semesters, students shall make up a total of 24 ECTS, to which they shall add 36 more, correspondent to the thesis preparation;<br< b) the elaboration of an original and specially prepared thesis for this purpose, which corresponds to 156 ECTS in total, after presented and approved in specific public assessments.
3. To obtain the PhD academic degree, the student must accomplish 180 ECTS.



1.In conformity with the disposed in Art. 30 of Decree-Law 74/2006, March 24th, the students with the following qualifications can be admitted to application to registration in the cycle of studies conducive to the PhD degree in Languages Didactics:
a) Holders of a Master’s degree (which, cumulatively with the graduate degree, should make up a minimum of 300 ECTS) or legal equivalent;
b) Holders of a graduate degree (correspondent to a minimum of 240 ECTS) and of a specially relevant academic or scientific curriculum, recognized as adequate by FLUP’s Scientific Council, after hearing the PhD’s Scientific Commission;
c) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized as adequate by the PhD’s Scientific Commission;
d) Holders of equivalent academic degrees to the former points, organized according to the Bologna Program and attributed by higher education institutions in any adherent country.
2.The applicants to registration in the cycle of studies conducive to the PhD degree in Languages Didactics will be selected by the respective Scientific Commission, bearing in mind the following criteria:
2.1. Academic curriculum;
2.2. Scientific curriculum;
2.3. Professional curriculum;
2.4. Interview.
3.Registration in the cycle of studies conducive to a PhD degree in Languages Didactics is subject to a limit number to be set annually, by order of University of Porto’s Rector, after a proposal by the Faculty of Arts’ Scientific Council, having heard the course’s scientific commission.
4.In 2009-10, the numerus clausus was 10 (minimum 3).


1. The PhD degree is assigned by a PhD Letter, issued by the legal and statutorily competent body of the University of Porto, after accomplished, with approval, the public defense of the PhD thesis;
2. The PhD Letter, the PhD Certificate and the Supplement of the Diploma’s emission depends on the delivery of the definitive version of the dissertation, with the necessary corrections
indicated in the public defense minute, which shall be verified by the dissertation’s supervisor; 3. The approval of the PhD Course (course = 1st year = 60 ECTS) grants the right to a Diploma with a different denomination than the PhD one;
4. The Diploma is followed by a Supplement elaborated in the terms of and for effects of Decree-Law no. 42/2005, February 2005.

Course bodies

Director (Professor Maria da Graça Pinto)
Scientific Commission

General information

Official Code: 5594
Acronym: DDL
Academic Degree: Doctor
Type of course/cycle of studies: Doctoral Degree
Start: 2009/2010
Duration: 6 Semesters


  • Languages Didactics (180 ECTS credits)
  • Doctoral Course in Language Teaching Methodology (60 ECTS credits)

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