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Master of Arts in Translation and Language Services

InformationO curso/CE encontra-se acreditado pela Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES).

Image with quote from José Saramago, Nobel Laureate in Literature:

The Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), accredited this second-cycle degree programme unconditionally (see the documents here).
Please consult the study cycle official documents.

This Master’s degree has been a member of the European Master's in Translation (EMT) Network (https://ec.europa.eu/info/resources-partners/european-masters-translation-emt_en) since 2009 and, after a new application and selection round, was re-admitted to the Network in 2019 for a period of 5 years. The Network consists of more than 70 Master’s degree programmes offered by other European universities with which we maintain close links and have ERASMUS agreements for student and teacher mobility. 

Membership of the EMT Network means that our students have preferential access to traineeships with European institutions, and that we are given priority in relation to the DGT’s Visiting Translators Scheme. The course also belonged to the ERASMUS Academic Network OPTIMALE - (Optimising Professional Translator Training in a Multilingual Europe) with 70 partners in 32 European countries (including 27 in the European Union).


This Master’s degree was planned as a two-year professional course in accordance with the guidelines proposed by the Bologna Process. The curriculum takes into account the ISO 17100 as well as the European Quality Standard for Translation Services EN15038 Eand is the result of the experience accumulated over 20 years of teaching Translation within the first degrees in Modern Languages and master’s degrees in Translation with associated work placements.

The degree has also benefitted from the contact maintained with potential employers during and after the traineeships, as well as from feedback from our graduates and the world of professional translation and language industry, both in the structure of the curriculum and in the content of the subjects taught.

The languages ​​currently offered are: Portuguese, German, Spanish, French, and English, and from 2012-13 there is also the possibility of accumulating with these languages: Chinese, Italian, Japanese and Russian, provided there is a minimum number of students.


During the first two semesters the study cycle aims to:
  • Offer a sound theoretical background in Translation Theory and Intercultural Communication;
  • Offer practical training in the technology needed for professional translation - SDL / TRADOS, memoQ, and a general view of the tools and resources available for the translator;
  • Develop skills in the translation of technical and scientific texts and multimedia texts, such as subtitling, web pages etc.
  • Develop their skills in their mother tongue and the ability to both revise translation and write originals.
In the third semester, the objective is to give students further opportunity to develop translations skills and to specialize in areas such as terminology management, localization, legal translation, economic and financial translation and community interpreting. 

In the fourth semester, work placements enable students to practice translation and related activities in a professional setting. Alternatively, students may also opt for a research project and dissertation.

Fields of Specialization

  • Translation | Modern Languages | Computer Technology for Translation | Text Production | Linguistic Revision | Post-editing

Professional Abilities

  • Professional translation in general and specialized domains;
  • Revision of human translation;
  • Post-editing of machine translation;
  • Ability to use CAT tools for translation, subtitling, localization and web pages;
  • Ability to use information technology for practical purposes;
  • Knowledge of the many tools and resources available to the translator;
  • Ability to analyse and improve different types of texts in a professional setting;
  • Ability to work in a team in a company;
  • Ability to develop a career as a professional both in a company or as a freelancer.

Employment Prospects

  • Professional translation | Specialized translation | Localization | Revision and editing | Subtitling and other multimedia translation modes | Technical Communication


For more information see:
Candidate webpage | Academic Portal

  Prerequisites:

The written entrance examinations consist of written tests in all the languages the applicant proposes to specialize in and interviews. 
The objective of the written tests is to evaluate the applicant´s ability to:
1) understand complex texts;
2) write an essay on a subject of current interest.


  1. Classification of previous degree - 25%
  2. Tests - 25%
  3. Scientific curriculum - 10%
  4. Professional curriculum - 20%
  5. Interview - 20%
Note: If the candidate should fail the admission tests in the chosen languages, he will automatically be excluded from the serialization procedure.

  Applications calendar and number of vacancies
  Admission requirements: This Master’s degree is open to all students who hold at least a first-cycle degree, providing they have a sound knowledge of the languages they propose to work with.

Degree approved under Art. 54 of the Teaching Career Statute, regulated by Ordinance number 334/2008, of 30/04, for the groups: 210, 220, 320, 330, 340 and 350 (Order of July 9th, 2018).This degree enables those who are already in the teaching profession to advance in their career, but it is not a teaching qualification degree.



The registration fee is ¤ 30.00.

Written tests and interviews will be held by videoconference - via Zoom.

International / National Student /EU
  • Admission tests applications: from 6 June to 22 July of 2022.


For scientific and academic issues - contact the course director: mtsl@letras.up.pt
For administrative questions
- contact the Academic Management Office: sga@letras.up.pt
For international mobility students - contact the International Office: sri@letras.up.pt

General information

Official Code: 9634
Director: Elena Galvão
Acronym: MTSL
Academic Degree: Master
Type of course/cycle of studies: Masters Degree
Start: 2007/2008
Duration: 2 Years

Study Plan


  • Master of Arts in Translation and Language Services - Major in Translation and Language Services (120 ECTS credits)
  • Master of Arts in Translation and Language Services - Major in Specialized Translation (120 ECTS credits)
  • Specialization Course in Translation and Language Services - Major in Specialized Translation (60 ECTS credits)
  • Specialization Course in Translation and Language Services - Major in Language Services (60 ECTS credits)

Main Scientific Areas

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