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Third cycle of studies in Geography

The PhD course in Geography (3rd cycle from Bologna) allows a scientific education and the obtention of a PhD degree in Human Geography and Physical Geography. The course is built so as to respond to the depth or reinforcement of knowledge complementarity, as well as to the acquisition of new competences, by holders of a Master’s degree or graduate degree in the several areas of Economic and Social Sciences or Earth Sciences.

The academic part is made of seminars, field trips and scientific meetings. The non-academic part will include the elaboration of a dissertation as its main element. The student will have internal support, especially by the supervisor, and external, by invited experts, who will comment on the chosen theme and who may even join scientific research projects. Note: the course’s structure, including fundamental content and goals, can be seen in the following pages.



  • Degree approved under Art. 54 of the Teaching Career Statute (Decree-Law no. 15/2007, of 19/01), regulated by Ordinance no. 334/2008, of 30/04, for the group 420 (Geography). (Order of His Excellency the Secretary of State of Education, July 21st 2009)
    • Maximum number of students: 20
    • Minimum number of students: 5
    • Fee: it will be identical to the fee set for 3rd cycle courses in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto.
    • Schedule: it will be set after hearing the students. We estimate a most likely post-employment schedule, which will concentrate classes on weekdays after 17h30.
    • Access Requirements – considering the law, we can admit all of those who own a Master’s degree or a graduate degree with an average grade equal or above 16, as well as those who, not having these conditions, present a curriculum considered appropriate by the course’s Scientific Commission.
    • Contacts:
      • José Alberto V. Rio Fernandes: joseriof@letras.up.pt

    General information

    Official Code: 9650
    Director: José Alberto Rio Fernandes
    Acronym: DGEO
    Academic Degree: Doctor
    Type of course/cycle of studies: Doctoral Degree
    Start: 2007/2008
    Duration: 3 Years

    Study Plan


    • Geography - Specialization in Physical Geography (180 ECTS credits)
    • Geography - Specialization in Human Geography (180 ECTS credits)
    • Doctoral Course in Geography (60 ECTS credits)

    Main Scientific Areas

    Previous Courses/Cycles of Study

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