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Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese and Spanish Studies

Official Study Plan - LEPE

WarningO plano encontra-se "Em actualização".

Academic year:

  1st Year
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0076ESPAN1Spanish I3
1st Semester
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0411HISESPHistory of Spain2,5
FLUP0098LATIM1Latin I2,5
FLUP0086ICCLA1Introduction to Classical Culture I2,5
FLUP0084IELIG1Introduction to Linguistics I2,5
FLUP0082IELIT1Introduction to Literary Studies I2,5
2nd Semester
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0410HCLESPHistory of Spanish Culture2,5
FLUP0104INCUPOIntroduction to Portuguese Culture2,5
FLUP0099LATIM2Latin II2,5
FLUP0085IELIG2Introduction to Linguistics II2,5
FLUP0083IELIT2Introduction to Literary Studies II2,5

  2nd Year
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0077ESPAN2Spanish II3
Spanish Area
1st Semester
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0412LES1Spanish Literature I2,5
FLUP0100LATI3Latin III2,5
FLUP0096LINGP1Portuguese Linguistics I2,5
FLUP0094LITPO1Portuguese Literature I2,5
Spanish Area
2nd Semester
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0413LES2Spanish Literature II2,5
FLUP0107LATI4Latin IV2,5
FLUP0097LINGP2Portuguese Linguistics II2,5
FLUP0095LITPO2Portuguese Literature II2,5
Spanish Area

  3rd Year
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0418ESPAN3Spanish III3
O3 - 3º ano - EPE
1st Semester
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0557LGPOR3Portuguese Linguistics III
FLUP0670LTP3_1Portuguese Literature III2,5
FLUP0619LES3Spanish Literature III2,5
O3 - 3º ano - EPE
2nd Semester
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0558LGPOR4Portuguese Linguistics IV2,5
FLUP0667LTP4_1Portuguese Literature IV2,5
FLUP0560LTESP4Spanish Literature IV2,5
O3 - 3º ano - EPE

  4th Year
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0419EPAN4Spanish IV3
O4 - 4º ano - EPE
1st Semester
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
EPL039TELIT1Theory of Literature I
FLUP0730TLIT1Theory of Literature I2,5
FLUP0723HLP1History of the Portuguese Language I2,5
FLUP0727LITP5Portuguese Literature V2,5
O4 - 4º ano - EPE
2nd Semester
CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
EPL040TELIT2Theory of Literature II
FLUP0739TL2Theory of Literature II2,5
FLUP0734HLP2History of the Portuguese Language II2,5
FLUP0736LITES5Spanish Literature IV2,5
O4 - 4º ano - EPE

  5th Year

CodeAcronymNameObs.Credits [UCN]
FLUP0422EP_ETeacher Training (Spanish)
FLUP0377SESeminar (Spanish)
FLUP0374SPSeminar (Portuguese)
FLUP0371EP_PTeacher Training (Portuguese)

Type of Classification: OFICIAL

Course units belonging to the academic fields defined in the active curricular structure(s) in the current academic year

Warning  Ainda não definiu áreas científicas dentro da estrutura curricular.

Unidades curriculares pertencentes a áreas científicas não definidas na(s) estrutura(s) curricular(es) ativa(s) neste ano letivo

  Literary Criticism - Portuguese

  Educational Training

  Portuguese Language Literature

  Teaching Education - Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education

  Teacher Training - Psychology

  French Studies

Unidades curriculares sem áreas científicas

  No Academic Field
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