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Online applications

Bachelor of Arts in Information Science (CINF)
2024/25 - Special Contest - International Student - 3rd Phase

International students who are: a) Holders of a qualification giving access to higher education, understood as any diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority attesting to the successful completion of a secondary education programme in that country and entitling them to apply for and enter higher education in the country in which it was awarded; b) Holders of a Portuguese secondary education diploma, or legally equivalent qualification. And have: a) Portuguese national exams corresponding to the entrance exams set for that cycle of studies, for that year, under the general access regime b) national exams or final exams from foreign secondary schools considered equivalent by the EC's scientific committee, which must cover the subjects of the entrance exams set for the cycle of studies in question under the general access and entrance system; or c) higher education entrance exams (such as the ENEM taken in Brazil), which demonstrate knowledge of the subjects of the entrance exams at a level and content equivalent to that of students admitted through the general access and entrance system. d) in the absence of final exams or tests, the final subjects of secondary education may be taken into consideration, when there is documentary proof that the qualification held by the candidate recognises the conditions necessary to apply for and enter higher education, in a similar course, in the country in which it was obtained.


Start date for application submittal: 2024-06-12
Deadline for application submittal: 2024-07-19
Deadline for disclosure of approved applications: 2024-09-02

Information to be provided by the candidate

Information to be provided - Personal data

  • Full name (Mandatory)
  • Gender (Mandatory)
  • Country of origin (Mandatory)
  • Nationality (Mandatory)
  • Marital status (Mandatory)
  • Date of birth (Mandatory)
  • Identity Card (Mandatory)
  • File (Optional)
  • Mother's name (Mandatory)
  • Father's name (Mandatory)
  • Street (Residence) (Mandatory)
  • Parish (Residence) (Optional)
  • Postal Code (Residence) (Optional)
  • Country (Residence) (Mandatory)
  • Telephone contact (Mandatory)
  • Taxpayer no. (Optional)
  • E-mail (Mandatory)

Information to be provided - Academic and professional data

  • Course you are applying for (Mandatory)
  • Country in which you completed secondary education (Mandatory)

Information to be provided - Scanned documents

  • History of the application to higher education with the final marks for the 12th year and for the specific subjects, or equivalent national exam marks, for candidates to Portuguese university education. Document attesting to the marks obtained in pre-university year and in the national exams corresponding to specific subjects, if applicable, for candidates to higher education abroad. For qualifications obtained abroad, the document must be authenticated by the official education services of the respective country and recognised by the Portuguese diplomatic or consular entity, or bear the Apostille of the Hague Convention. The same applies to the translations of documents not written in Spanish, French or English. (Mandatory)
  • Certificate attesting to the possession of a course of secondary education, complementary secondary education, or of the 10th/11th school years, with an explicit indication of the final average obtained. (Mandatory)
  • Certificate of approval in (or equivalence to) secondary education subjects corresponding to the admission exams required for the application (Mandatory)
  • History of application to higher education with entry grade (Mandatory for applicants from other schools) (Optional)
  • Identification document. If you have not submitted a copy of the identification document, you must submit to the Academic Services of the Faculty the original document, within the deadline established for the submission of applications, for data verification. The application will be confirmed only after its validation. (Mandatory)
  • Letters of motivation (Mandatory)
  • Other documents deemed relevant to ranking criteria (Optional)
  • Sworn statement to be signed by International Students (Mandatory)


Fee: Candidatura concurso especial ao abrigo do Estatuto do Estudante Internacional (fixed) 100 €

Serialisation criteria

Contact for further information

Academic Management Office
Email: sga@letras.up.pt
Telephone:+351 226 077 157

Number of vacancies

Admission Scheme Curricular year Vacancies
Special Contest - International Student 1 3

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