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Online applications

Bachelor of Arts in Information Science (CINF)
2024/25 - Candidates Over 23 Years Old - 1st Phase

This application is meant for students who pass the tests especially suited to assess the ability to attend Higher Education of those over 23 years, created by Decree-Law no. 64/2006, of March 21st.


Start date for application submittal: 2024-07-15
Deadline for application submittal: 2024-07-31
Deadline for disclosure of approved applications: 2024-08-26

Information to be provided by the candidate

Information to be provided - Personal data

  • Full name (Mandatory)
  • Gender (Mandatory)
  • Country of origin (Mandatory)
  • Nationality (Mandatory)
  • Marital status (Mandatory)
  • Date of birth (Mandatory)
  • Identity Card (Mandatory)
  • File (Optional)
  • Mother's name (Mandatory)
  • Father's name (Mandatory)
  • Street (Residence) (Mandatory)
  • Parish (Residence) (Optional)
  • Postal Code (Residence) (Optional)
  • Country (Residence) (Mandatory)
  • Telephone contact (Mandatory)
  • Taxpayer no. (Optional)
  • E-mail (Mandatory)

Information to be provided - Academic and professional data

  • Course you are applying for (Mandatory)
  • Academic qualifications (Optional)
  • How did you learn about this course? (Mandatory)

Information to be provided - Scanned documents

  • Identification document. If you have not submitted a copy of the identification document, you must submit to the Academic Services of the Faculty the original document, within the deadline established for the submission of applications, for data verification. The application will be confirmed only after its validation. (Optional)
  • Other documents deemed relevant to ranking criteria (Optional)


Fee: Candidatura (exceto concurso especial para acesso ao curso de Medicina por titulares do grau de licenciado) (fixed) 55 €

Serialisation criteria

Contact for further information

Academic Management Office
Email: sga@letras.up.pt
Telephone:+351 226 077 157

Number of vacancies

Admission Scheme Curricular year Vacancies
Candidates Over 23 Years Old 1 6

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