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FLUP Volunteering - Hand in hand with Social Responsibility

Voluntariado FLUP

FLUP Volunteering follows the provisions in Article 2 of Law No. 71/98 and in FLUP’s Mission and Statutes. In accordance with these regulations, it aims to carry out projects, activities, or other forms of non-profit social, cultural, or community-based intervention. It shows FLUP's concern with social responsibility, ensuring that Volunteering benefits not only all faculty members (students, staff, and professors), but also the community and all partners involved.

What is the FLUP Volunteer Programme

  • Goal
The FLUP Volunteer programme’s main objective is to implement projects and activities of social, community and cultural interest. It aims to increase civic responsibility along with developing personal and professional skills among students, professors, and non-teaching staff.

  • Mission
    • Achieve the provisions of FLUP’s Mission and Purposes;
    • Boost the motivational levels of the FLUP community; 
    • Bring the institution closer to the Volunteering activities developed in the U.Porto.

  • Programme

The intervention area of the Programme corresponds, preferably, to FLUP’s geographical area of influence (Porto and Greater Porto Area). Other geographical areas may be considered, if they meet the objectives of the Programme and are accessible to volunteers.

Without prejudice to Faculty statutes or other initiatives, FLUP Volunteering can be developed in these areas:

    • Civic
    • Training/Education (volunteering as a student tutor)
    • Science
    • Culture and cultural animation
    • Heritage, Museums and Cultural Centres
    • Regional Development and Tourism
    • Environmental sustainability
    • Sport and leisure activities
    • Employability and vocational training
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Social integration
    • Community Life and Social Economy
    • Social work with children and the elderly
    • Animal Protection
    • International projects

Volunteer Profile

FLUP’s volunteers must conduct themselves according to ethical and deontological principles, as well as uphold values such as solidarity, active citizenship, free will. They must also comply with the guidelines in the volunteer programme and those set by the Volunteer Commission of U.Porto. The FLUP volunteer is thus an active and responsible citizen, socially and culturally involved. Volunteering brings not only benefits in terms of personal development, but also for the community and for the partners involved.


Volunteering should be free of any charges and done willingly and responsibly. There are also no costs for the welcoming institutions. Volunteers must commit according to their preferences and free time. Volunteering activities should be carried out in accordance with the interests and regulations of the welcoming institutions. It is compulsory for volunteers to be insured while volunteering. Students who meet the requirements set by the Volunteer Committee of U.Porto will be ablet to mention the Volunteer activity in the Diploma Supplement.

Partnerships and Protocols

Available soon.


To register in FLUP Volunteering you must fill out the appropriate form:

For more information and submission of the filled out form, please contact:
Communication and External Relations Office
Email: uecre@letras.up.pt
Phone: +351 226 077 123
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