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Architecture of the 19th-20th Centuries I

Code: FLUP0173     Acronym: AQ19-1

Instance: 2003/2004 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Heritage Studies
Course/CS Responsible: History of Art

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
HA 36 Official Study Plan - LHA 4 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LHA 4 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 4 2,5 5 -


1. Classical ideals and Romantic poetry
1.1. From the Palladianism to the rediscovery of the Greek and Roman antiquity
1.2. The Picturesque
1.3. The visionary architects at the time of the French Revolution
1.4. Architecture during the Napoleonic period
1.5. The revivalisms. The England Gothic Revival and the Gothic Structuralism in France. Historical Eclecticism. Exotic inspirations.

2. Engineering and Architecture
2.1 New materials and techniques. The Architecture of Iron. Glass, cement and reinforced concrete. The world exhibitions.

3 From the Art Nouveau to the proto-rationalism.

4 Birth and recognition of modern architecture.
4.1 The vanguard movement in the United States: The School of Chicago.
4.2 The organic architecture.
4.3 Expressionism, Cubism and Futurism in architecture.
4.4 Rationalism and Functionalism. The International Style. De Stijl. Constructivism. Bauhaus.
4.5 The American architecture between the two world wars.
4.6 The Architecture in Europe of the dictatorships.
4.7 The New Brutalism.
4.8 The Neo-Empiricism.

5 New theoretical constructions of the 1960’s and 1970’s
5.1 The Modern Movement critique. Architecture as language. The post-modern architecture. Historical and eclectic tendencies.

6 Architecture in the last decades of the 20th-century
6.1 High-Tech architecture
6.2 Minimalism
6.3 Deconstructivism
6.4 New Expressionism
6.5 Ecological tendencies
6.6 New Abstracção.

Main Bibliography

BENEVOLO, Leonardo – Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna. 8ª ed. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1999.
BROOKS, Chris - The Gothic Revival. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1999.
CONRADS, Ulrich – Programmes et Manifestes de L’Architecture du XXème Siècle. Paris : Editions de La Vilette, 1991.
DORFLES, Gillo – A Arquitectura Moderna. Lisboa: Edições 70, 1986.
FRAMPTON, Kenneth – Historia Crítica da Arquitectura Moderna. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1997.
FUSCO, Renato de – Historia de la Arquitectura Contemporánea. Madrid: Celeste Ediciones, 1992.
GÖSSEL, Peter; LEUTHÄUSER, Gabriele – Arquitectura no Século XX. Köln: Taschen, 2001.
IRWIN, David – Neoclassicism. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1997.
KRUFT, Hanno-Walter – Historia de la teoría de la arquitectura. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1990. 2 vol.
MIGNOT, Claude – Architecture of the 19th Century. Köln: Taschen, 1994.
MONTANER, Josep Maria – Depois do Movimento Moderno: Arquitectura na segunda metade do século XX. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2001.
NORBERG-SCHULZ, Christian – La signification dans l’architecture occidentale. Liège : Pierre Mardaga , 1977.
PATETTA, Luciano – L’Architettura dell’Eclettismo. Milano: CittàStudi, 1991.
RAGON, Michel – Historia Mundial de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo Modernos. Barcelona: Ediciones Destino, 1979. 2 vol.
STEELE, James – Architecture Today. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1997.

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