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Introduction to Professional Practice

Code: MEH011     Acronym: IPP_H

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Teacher Training

Instance: 2023/2024 - A Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of History, Political and International Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Teaching History in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEH 30 MEH - Study Plan 2 - 48 373 1296

Teaching language



Main learning outcomes within this curricular unit:

1. Deepen and consolidate knowledge, skills and specific attitudes of the teaching-learning practice for constructing a professional identity.

2. Develop the scientific and pedagogic-didactic skills of postgraduates;

3. Establish in a coherent way an articulation between theory and practice, between General Educational Training, the specific disciplinary area, the Specific Didactic and teacher practice;
4. Develop capacities and attitudes leading to a reflective professional performance that is problematizing, critical and in permanent refinement;

5. Analyse, in a reflective way, the experiences implemented in each Internship;

6. Conduct research works - action - reflection that are susceptible of application in the teaching disciplinary area(s).

Learning outcomes and competences

The objectives relate to the theoretical learning acquired in the 1st year of the study cycle, being, in this curricular unit, the basis for the learning experience in real context of performance of the History teachers, providing privileged learning experiences based on the teachers’ performance who are interested in pedagogic and didactic issues, which occur in basic and secondary schools. Here, interns participate in different grades, in sessions under the responsibility of a supervisor and a cooperating mentor – critical judgement moments (within Seminary and Supervised Teaching Practice) that envisage the development of capacities and attitudes that lead to a performance that is professional in a reflective way, problematizing, critical and in permanent refinement.

The theoretical and practical knowledge and the constant reflection on the educational process are protocoled in a portfolio and in a final internship report.

Working method



1. Exercise of the teaching activity, in a specific teaching-learning situation

2. Reflections of general nature on the teaching of History.

3. Reflective application of the studied theories in the process of observation and intervention in classroom context.

4. Planning and implementation of the pedagogic action, class space management. Analysis of syllabi and school books. Pedagogic guidelines for the different syllabus contents.

5. Conceptualization and structuring; planning at long, medium and short term. Unity and lesson plans.

6. Assessment: general principles and construction of instruments to check knowledge.

7. Class observation: theoretical problematization and reflection on the concept.

8. The portfolio: main aspects and methodology.

9. Methodology to follow in order to prepare a report.

Mandatory literature

Jiménez, A. Moreno, Gaite Mª Jesús Marrón ; ENSEÑAR GEOGRAFIA De la Teoría a la Práctica, Editorial Sinteses, 1998
Ministério da Educação - DES ; Reforma do Ensino secundário. Documento Orientador da Revisão Curricular do Ensino secundário, Ministério da Educação, 2001
Coll, César e al ; O Construtivismo na sala de aula. Novas perspectivas para a acção pedagógica, Edições ASA, 2001
Ministério da Educação- DEB ; Curriculo Nacional do Ensino Básico. Competências Essenciais, Ministério da Educação- DEB, 2001
Souto González, Xosé Manuel; Manuel Didáctica de la Geografía. Problemas sociales e conocimiento del medio, Ed. del Serbal, 1998
Thais Nivia de Lima e Fonseca; História e Ensino de História, Editora Autêntica, 2003. ISBN: ISBN 85-7526-090-1
Maria do Céu de Melo (org); Imagens na Aula de História - Diálogos e Silêncios, Edições Pedago, 2008. ISBN: ISBN - 978-972-8980-60-3
Manuel Nunes; Professor Ensina-me a dar aulas., ASA, 2003. ISBN: 972-41-3157-2
BARREIRA, Aníbal; MOREIRA; Pedagogia das competências: da teoria à prática, Edições ASA, 2004
FELIX, N; A História na Educação Básica, Ministério da Educação/DEB, 1998

Teaching methods and learning activities

This curricular unit falls within a specific set of rules that defines the rights, duties and assessment profile.

The curricular unit (CU) methodology is mostly of practical and reflective nature.

The 48 ECTS of the CU divide themselves between Supervised Teaching Practice (STP), Seminary (S), Report (R) and Discussion (D), pondered in the following way:

Final Classification of IPP=(STPx0.52)+(Sx0.13)+(Rx0.25)+(Dx0.10).

The general methodology used at the CU is intended to be similar to the one interns should acquire and use in real context. Within STP, the interns are assessed in view of the teaching and critical analysis of History lessons (their own and of colleagues), having as support the Assessment Referential and the profile drawn by the cooperating mentors and FLUP supervisors. The assessment within the Seminary component derives from the weekly participation in sessions in FLUP and presentation of (oral and written) works directly related to STP and/or with the final report theme of investigation-action. The responsibility of the report assessment relies on a jury that will consider the quality of the produced report and the performance in public examinations (discussion).


Social sciences > Educational sciences
Humanities > History
Social sciences > Geography

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Defesa pública de dissertação, de relatório de projeto ou estágio, ou de tese 25,00
Prova oral 10,00
Trabalho de campo 52,00
Trabalho laboratorial 13,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 510,00
Total: 510,00

Eligibility for exams

In order to pass, students are required, among other things, to complete at least 75% of the assignments (teaching and other). A minimum of 10 marks is compulsory according to the assessment benchmark criteria agreed for Supervised Teaching Practice, in addition to the production of a Final Training Report and the respective public discussion.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final mark = (STPx0.52) + (Seminarx0.13) + (Reportx0.25) + (Discussionx0.1)

Examinations or Special Assignments

Tasks and activities to be developed for teaching practice, according to the requests made by the training instructor(s) and supervisor(s).

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Supervised Teaching Practice has specific benchmark criteria agreed between training instructors and supervisors.

Classification improvement

Not applicable.


Teaching Language: Portuguese

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