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Physical Geography of Portugal

Code: GEOGR034     Acronym: GFIPOR

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://web.letras.up.pt/asaraujo/geofis/geofis.html
E-learning page: http://moodle.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Department of Geography
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Geography

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
GEOGR 80 GEOGR - Study Plan 2 - 6 4
HISTO 6 HISTO - Study Plan 2 - 6 4

Teaching language



Successful students will acquire knowledge on: Portuguese climate, hydrology, geology and geomorphology. the structural regions of Portugal: geomorphology and landscapes.

Learning outcomes and competences

Knowledge of the country with loalization of major relief accidents and rivers. Understanding Geology/Geomorphology relationship. Understanding of landscapes on geomorphologic point of view.
To use different kinds of documents (geologic maps, Google earth images)

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

It is necessary to have a previous knowledge og Geologiy, Climatologuy and Geomorphology in order to establish the relationship between several physical geography data in a national context.


1. General characterization of the country: the need to integrate Portugal into the Iberian Peninsula 2. Integration of Portugal into the European and Peninsular geological framework 3. Structural regions of Portugal: characteristic relief features 4. Ante-Mesozoic evolution of the Portuguese territory: Geology and Hesperic Massif landscapes 5. The Epi-hercynian covering – Mesozoic evolution. Geology and Meso-Cainozoic bordelands landscapes 6. The Epi-hercynian covering - geomorphologic evolution at the end of the Mesozoic and during the Cenozoic. The Meseta surface and the Alpine orogeny 7. Some aspects of geomorphologic evolution during the Quaternary: climate and sea level changes. 8. Atmospheric circulation and Iberian Peninsula climate. Some general ideas on portuguese climate 9. General characteristics of portuguese rivers. Some hydrological problems concerning Portuguese rivers

Mandatory literature

Araújo, Maria da Assunção; Evolução geomorfológica da plataforma litoral da Região do Porto
ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGUESA PARA O ESTUDO DO QUATERNÁRIO (APEQ; O Quaternário em Portugal - balanço e perspectivas, Colibri, Lisboa, 1993
CABRAL, J. M. L. C ; Neotectónica em Portugal Continental, Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, memória nº 31, 1995
CUNHA, L.; As Serras Calcárias de Condeixa-Sicó-Alvaiázere - Estudo de Geomorfologia, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica, 1990
DAVEAU, S. ; Portugal Geográfico, João Sá da Costa, 1995
Ferreira, António de Brum; Planaltos e montanhas do norte da Beira
MARTINS, A. F. ; Maciço Calcário Estremenho - contribuição para um estudo de Geografia Física, Autor, Coimbra, 1949
MEDEIROS, C. A. ; Geografia de Portugal - o ambiente físico, Círculo de leitores, 2005
PEREIRA, A. R. ; A Plataforma Litoral do Alentejo e Algarve Ocidental , Autora, FLUC, 1990
PROENÇA CUNHA, P. M. R. R. ; Estratigrafia e Sedimentologia dos Depósitos do Cretácico Superior e do Terciário de Portugal Central, a Leste de Coimbra, Autor, FCUC, 1992
Rebelo, Fernando Manuel da Silva; Serras de Valongo
RIBEIRO, A. et al ; Introduction à la Géologie générale du Portugal, Serviços Geol. Portugal, 1979
RIBEIRO, O., LAUTENSACH, H., DAVEAU, S. ; Geografia de Portugal. I. A posição geográfica e o território, Sá da Costa, 1987

Complementary Bibliography

Vários; Geologia de Portugal, Livraria escolar. ISBN: 9789725923641

Teaching methods and learning activities

The course will be done in B-learning.
There will be a mini-test using Moodle at the end of each subject. This test is designed for self-assessment and for students frequence.
A field trip will take place in October 2020. Departure FLUP: 9.00, Arrival about 20:00. The field trip is included in students obligations in order to be successful.
Students who take the final exam in the normal time, if they do not have the minimum grade for approval (9.5) must take a new written test in the resource exam. Only in the system of the resource examination will there be an oral test for students with a mark between 7.5 and 9.4 in the Moodle exam.Because of the difficulty in being able to organize these oral exams, which require the constitution of a jury specifically for this purpose, this test may eventually be replaced by a new exam carried out in Moodle, provided that the students agree with this procedure.


Google Earth
Plataforma Moodle de e-learning
Adobe Acrobat


Natural sciences > Environmental science > Earth science > Physical geography

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 106,00
Frequência das aulas 48,00
Trabalho de campo 8,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Presence in 75% of the school days (including field work). Students who do not get frequence will only be able to take the exam at the second oportunity (February). The presence of the students will be evaluated through the Moodle Assiduity module. The absences will be recorded at the beginning of the second part of the class, after the break.
To control learning progression, students must attain at least 9,5 in average at moodle mini-tests. There will be 10 tests about different subjects, including a test about the field trip.
If they are not successful in these tests they are not allowed to realize their examination in January 2021, but only in February 2021.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final mark of a Moodle test that will took place at FLUP, during examination time.

Examinations or Special Assignments

For all students will be required the timely completion of the quizzes available for about 1 week in the Moodle platform on the different subjects of the course. The weighted average of these quizzes can not be less than 9.5.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

They must be successful in Moodle mini-tests made up during the academic semester

Classification improvement

The repetition of the whole examination

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