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Publications with the same scientific areas as the A Inspecção das Bibliotecas e Arquivos e a ideologia do Estado Novo publication

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Academic Work

Pinto, Maria Manuela Gomes de Azevedo (Author) (FLUP)
Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP)


Silva, Armando Malheiro da (Author) (FLUP); Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP)
Silva, Armando Malheiro da (Author) (FLUP); Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP)
Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP)
Regina de Barros Cianconi (Organiser) (Other); Rosa Inês de Novais Cordeiro (Organiser) (Other); Carlos Henrique Marcondes (Organiser) (Other)


Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP)

Chapter or Part of a Book

Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP)
Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP); David, Gabriel (Author) (FLUP)
Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP)
Armando Malheiro Da Silva (Author) (FLUP)
Estivill, Assumpció (Author) (Other); Bernd, Lorenz (Author) (Other); Bertrand, Anne (Author) (Other); Blin, Frederic (Author) (Other); Bruyn, Ton (Author) (Other); Henriksen, Tor (Author) (Other); Kisilowska, Malgorzata (Author) (Other); Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP); Abraham, Josiane (Author) (Other); Tammaro, Anna (Author) (Other)
Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP)
Ribeiro, Fernanda (Author) (FLUP)
Pestana, Olívia (Author) (FLUP)
Armando Malheiro Da Silva (Author) (FLUP)

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