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Publications with the same authors as the A Universidade ao tempo de Hernâni Monteiro (1891-1963): algumas linhas de força publication

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Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP)

Academic Work

Technical Report

Another Publication in an International Scientific Journal


Félix Pereira de Magalhães (Author) (Other); Jorge Alves (Author of the Preface) (FLUP)
Jorge Alves (Author of the Preface) (FLUP); Ricardo Jorge (Author) (Other)
Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP)
Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP)
Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP)
Freitas, Rodrigues de (Author) (Other); Alves, Jorge (Author of the Preface) (FLUP)
Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP)
Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP)
Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP)
Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP)
Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP)
Miguel Monteiro (Author) (Other); Jorge Alves (Author of the Preface) (FLUP)
Jorge Alves (Author) (FLUP); Júlio Ribeiro Órfao (Author) (Other)

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