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Publications with the same authors as the Steam reforming of glycerol for hydrogen production: Modeling study publication

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Article in International Scientific Journal

Luís M. Madeira (Author) (FEUP); Joel M. Silva (Author) (FEUP); M. A. Soria (Author) (FEUP)
Joel M. Silva (Author) (FEUP); Lucília S. Ribeiro (Author) (FEUP); José Melo Orfão (Author) (FEUP); Soria, M. (Author) (FEUP); Luís M. Madeira (Author) (FEUP)
Joel M. Silva (Author) (FEUP); R. Trujillano (Author) (Other); V. Rives (Author) (Other); M. A. Soria (Author) (FEUP); Luís M. Madeira (Author) (FEUP)
Joel M. Silva (Author) (FEUP); Lucília S.Ribeiro (Author) (FEUP); José J. M. Orfão (Author) (FEUP); Silvano Tosti (Author) (Other); M. A. Soria (Author) (FEUP); Luís M. Madeira (Author) (FEUP)
Joel M. Silva (Author) (FEUP); R. Trujillano (Author) (Other); V. Rives (Author) (Other); M. A. Soria (Author) (FEUP); Luís M. Madeira (Author) (FEUP)
M. A. Soria (Author) (FEUP); Joel M. Silva (Author) (FEUP); Luís M. Madeira (Author) (FEUP)

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