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Third cycle of studies in Philosophy

InformationO curso/CE encontra-se acreditado pela Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES).

Image with quote from Socrates, Greek Philosopher:

The Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), accredited this study cycle unconditionally (see the documents here).
Please consult the study cycle official documents.

The Doctoral Program in Philosophy provides the deepening of scientific and methodological competences oriented to the production and transmission of philosophical knowledge, the acquisition and improvement of the research capacity, the preparation for a highly qualified professional performance, the complement or the accomplishment of an academic and formative path with an innovative, reflexive and critical nature. The Doctoral Program in Philosophy combines multiple dimensions throughout its three-year length: 1) education by qualified teachers; 2) student integration in the Philosophy Institute, an FCT financed research unit classified with Very Good (2015); 3) a demanding and stimulating environment for a depth study; 4) autonomy and initial means for the preparation and completion of research projects; 5) education opportunity in knowledge transmission; 6) international mobility and contacts possibility; 7) activities integrating students from former academic years; 8) support in the scholarship application process.
  • The Program is organized by the European transfer and accumulative credit system ECTS (60 ETCS per year; 180 ECTS in whole). The first year constitutes the “PhD course”, during which the student will attend two seminars (60 credits) each semester. In the two consecutive years (can be 4, at most), the student will perform research (equivalent to 120 credits) and the PhD thesis, integrating research and related activities under the guidance of one or more teachers. In partial time attending, these deadlines double.
  • Certificates and diplomas: For the completion of the academic part (course = 1st year: 60 ECTS), a depth studies diploma is attributed. The PhD degree in Philosophy is obtained after a presentation, defense and approval of a PhD thesis.
  • This Program is recognized for career progression effects in group 410/Philosophy, by order of the Secretary of State of Education, June 12th 2009, under Art. 54 of the Teacher Career Statute in Basic and secondary education (DL 15/2007, January 19th), regulated by Ordinance no. 334/2008, April 30th.

The Doctoral Program provides full support in grants applications.


For more information see:
Candidate webpage | Academic Portal
  Applications calendar and number of vacancies
  Frequent asked questions: see this document.
  Admission requirements: 
  • This program is open to holders of education in Philosophy or in other scientific domains who show motivation and proper education for studies with a high research level, according to the established in law and in the University’s and the Program’s regulations. The following may apply:
  • Holders of a Master’s degree (which, cumulatively with the graduate degree, should make up a minimum of 300 ECTS) or legal equivalent;
  • Holders of a graduate degree (correspondent to a minimum of 240 ECTS) and of a specially relevant academic or scientific curriculum, recognized as adequate by FLUP’s Scientific Council, after hearing the PhD’s Scientific Commission;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized as adequate by FLUP’s Scientific Council, after hearing the PhD’s Scientific Commission;
  • Holders of equivalent academic degrees to the former points, organized according to the Bologna Program and attributed by higher education institutions in any adherent country.
  Singular course unit enrolment

Program’s direction:

Scientific coordination
: The approval of thesis projects, the monimation of supervisors and thesis examining committees, are a competence of FLUP’s Scientific Council, after a proposal of the PhD’s Scientific Commission.

Degree approved under Art. 54 of the Teaching Career Statute, regulated by Ordinance number 334/2008, of 30/04, for the groups: 410 (Order of July 13th, 2023).This degree enables those who are already in the teaching profession to advance in their career, but it is not a teaching qualification degree.


For scientific and academic issues - contact the course director: dfil@letras.up.pt
For administrative issues
- contact the Academic Management Office: sga@letras.up.pt
For international mobility students - contact the International Office: sri@letras.up.pt

General information

Official Code: 5153
Director: Sofia Miguens
Acronym: DFIL
Academic Degree: Doctor
Type of course/cycle of studies: Doctoral Degree
Start: 2007/2008
Duration: 3 Years

Study Plan


  • Philosophy (180 ECTS credits)
  • Curso de Doutoramento em Filosofia (60 ECTS credits)

Main Scientific Areas

Previous Courses/Cycles of Study

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