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History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture

InformationO curso/CE encontra-se acreditado pela Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES).

Image with quote from Bertolt Brecht, German poet, dramatist and theatre director:

The Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), accredited this second-cycle degree programme unconditionally (see the documents here).

The MA in Art History, Heritage and Cultural Visual, whose first edition took place in the academic year 2016/2017, intend to upgrade and diversify the scientific field of History of Art, from an expanded perspective which has been assuming its own place by extending the world of careers related to Heritage and Visual Culture.
This cycle of studies is organized by the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System - ECTS. To obtain a Master's degree the student must collect a total of 120 ECTS credits.The first year of the course, divided into two semesters, corresponds to the Masters Course in History of Portuguese, Heritage and Visual Culture, with 60 ECTS credits. This Course does not confer a degree.
The second year of the course consists of a dissertation or a Probation Report, corresponding to 60 ECTS credits that gives the Master degree.


“Prize APHA/Millennium José-Augusto França 2020/21”
Dissertation A Procissão de Cinzas da Venerável Ordem Terceira de São Francisco do Porto – da fundação da Ordem a 1905

“Prize Dr. Vasco Valente Decorative Arts Award - 2019 Edition” 
Work De Campanis Fundentis - The Rio Tinto Bell Smelter Plant

“Prize Pedagogical Innovation Project 2018” 
Project Moving Images: devotions and cultural pratices in Porto Cathedral

“Prize Pedagogical Innovation Project 2017” 
Project Virtudes (Porto): Exhibition at the Google Arts & Culture (FLUP)

Institutions where Internships have been carried out under the MHAPCV since the academic year 2016/2017:

  • A Oficina - Centro de Artes e Mesteres Tradicionais de Guimarães CIPRL | Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto | Câmara Municipal de Gondomar | Câmara Municipal de Lousada | Câmara Municipal de Mogadouro | Câmara Municipal de Paços de Ferreira | Casa da Arquitetura (Matosinhos) | Cooperativa Árvore | Departamento dos Bens Culturais da Diocese de Viseu | Divisão Municipal de Museus e Património Cultural da Câmara Municipal do Porto | Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le Arti Contemporanee (Florença, Itália) | Galeria Municipal do Porto | Hosek Contemporary (Berlim) | Museu de Olaria de Barcelos | Museu de Serralves | Museu Municipal Abade Pedrosa (Santo Tirso) | Museu Romântico da Quinta da Macieirinha (CMP) | Porto Vivo | Real Irmandade Rainha Santa Mafalda de Arouca | Solar dos Condes de Resende (Vila Nova de Gaia)

Institutions where MHAPCV Projects have been developed since the academic year 2016/2017:

  • CITCEM | Empatia Arqueologia | Museu Digital UPorto | Museu Municipal de Penafiel | Spira, Revitalização Patrimonial


Generic objectives defined for the study programme:

  1. To provide postgraduate training in Artistic Heritage and Visual Culture, guided by a design which combines the teaching / learning contents taught with a section designed to provide students with professional tools and experience;
  2. To promote the practice of research, encouraging student autonomy in their academic career;
  3. To provide advanced training in the visual arts focused on the analysis of artistic production and its creative processes and reception in its diachronically;
  4. To prepare professionals with a solid understanding of the heritage, with capacity to intervene in their conservation, dissemination and enjoyment, as well as to promote critical knowledge of various contemporary artistic expressions.

Professional Abilities

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) to be developed by the students:

With this program, students are expected to:

  1. Obtain a solid theoretical background in the fields of Art History, Heritage Studies and Visual Culture;
  2. Produce creative Dissertations, Internship Reports and Projects anchored in contemporary discussions and practices of their field of study;
  3. Be able to lead fundamental and applied research programs, either in their area of expertise as in the interface between Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture;
  4. Obtain skills for scientific communication and the practice of professions framework of the History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture;
  5. May perform consultancy roles in institutions, businesses and other public and private organizations in the areas of Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture;
  6. Become active agents in social mobilization for intervention and heritage fruition as well as for the safeguarding and promotion of Cultural Heritage.


For more information see:
Candidate webpage | Academic Portal

  Applications calendar and number of vacancies
  Tuition fees
  Admission requirements:
  1. Holders of a graduate degree (180 ECTS) or legal equivalent;
  2. Holders of a foreign higher academic degree obtained as a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the Bologna Program;
  3. Holders of an academic, scientific of professional curriculum recognized as adequate (Check Diário da República – 2nd Series – no. 95, of 17.05.2007 – Deliberation no. 807.

Degree approved under Art. 54 of the Teaching Career Statute, regulated by Ordinance number 334/2008, of 30/04, for the groups: 200, 400 and 600 (Order of July 13th, 2023).This degree enables those who are already in the teaching profession to advance in their career, but it is not a teaching qualification degree.



For scientific and academic issues - contact the course director: mhapcv@letras.up.pt
For administrative issues
- contact the Academic Management Office: sga@letras.up.pt
For international mobility students - contact the International Office: sri@letras.up.pt

General information

Official Code: M902
Director: Ana Sousa
Acronym: MHAPCV
Academic Degree: Master
Type of course/cycle of studies: Masters Degree
Start: 2016/2017
Duration: 2 Years

Study Plan


  • Master in History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture (120 ECTS credits)
  • Master's Course in History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture (60 ECTS credits)

Main Scientific Areas

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