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Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology Applied to Health Sciences

The International Doctoral Programme in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology Applied to Health Sciences (BiotechHealth) is jointly organized by:

  • Two schools of University of Porto (UPorto) - the Institute for Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS) and the Faculty of Pharmacy (FFUP);
  • Two Research Institutions - the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health of the University of Porto (i3S) and the Network of Chemistry and Technology (REQUIMTE)
  • One Hospital - the Hospital Centre of Porto (CHP).

More than twenty institutions, the majority of which international, including universities, research institutes and companies are also associated to BiotechHealth.

The programme provides training in molecular and cellular biotechnology applied to health sciences, particularly in diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, tissue regeneration, cell therapy and nanomedicine, microbial biotechnology, within a truly interdisciplinary and international environment.

The formal training component is limited to ca. 20 ECTS, allowing students to focus on training in a research environment and in conducting experimental work. The teaching component is intended to give them the opportunity to acquire crosscutting skills, particularly in the areas of communication, intellectual property and entrepreneurship. Advanced training courses and seminars in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology will be offered also, emphasizing the need for integration in advanced research environments. An essential component of the program is the collaboration with international research groups of excellence and companies. Students should spend a minimum of 6 months in another foreign institution (research laboratory, hospital or industry).

BiotechHealth will accept up to 15 students per year, based on stringent evaluation. As minimum condition to apply, national or international candidates must have an MSc degree with a strong background in at least one of the following topics:bioengineering, biotechnology, pharmaceutical sciences, biology, medicine, biochemistry, nanomedicine, chemistry.in a relevant scientific field. Some of these students will be eligible for a grant under the FCT PhD Programme.

BiotechHealth has been approved for funding in 2013 by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.


The BiotechHealth Programme aims to provide excellence in doctoral training in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology applied to Health Sciences, in an interdisciplinary and international environment, fostering collaboration with internationally recognized research groups, hospitals and companies, both from Portugal and other countries.


The programme combines cellular and molecular biotechnologies which are crucial in clinical and industrial applications. Molecular Biotechnology (or Molecular Bioengineering) is a new interdisciplinary field, which combines several disciplines, including (Micro)Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Materials Science, Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bioinformatics and Nanotechnology.


Fields of Specialization

The programme will have a special focus on the scientific areas listed below. Interdisciplinary projects, involving two or more areas will be strongly encouraged.

- Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapies

- Nanodiagnostics and Nanotherapeutics

- Molecular and Cellular Biophysics and Computational Design of Biomolecules

- Microbial Biotechnology

Professional Abilities

BiotechHealth PhDs will have state-of-the-art scientific expertise in the specific area of their thesis. They will also have skills in entrepreneurship, scientific management and grant writing, intellectual property and communication.

Employment Prospects

BiotechHealth assures high-quality training to those aiming at a professional career in academic or industrial environment, facilitating the access to international research networks or health-oriented biotech companies.


Applicants with degrees obtained in foreign Higher Education Institutions should have their degree recognized / registered in Portugal.
(Decree-Law no. 341/2007)

For more information, please consult the Directorate General of Higher Education

Legalization of documents issued in foreign countries
Article 440 of Civil Procedure Code (Article 540 CPC 1961)

 1 - Without prejudice to what is established in European regulations and other international instruments, authentic documents issued in a foreign country, in conformity with the law of that country, are considered legalized as long as the signature of the public servant is recognized by a diplomatic or consular Portuguese agent at the respective country and the signature of that agent is authenticated with the respective consular white seal.

2 - If the private documents issued outside Portugal are legalized by a foreign public servant, the legalization lacks value while the recognitions required in the previous point have not been obtained.

For more information, please consult the Institute of Registries and Notaries



Additional information
1.1 - Number of vacancies: 15 students

1.2 – Minimum obligatory number of admissions for the programme to run: 5 students

The Programme will grant scholarships to the best candidates. 

Eligibility and admission conditions:

Candidates must fulfill the following requisites:

1. MSc degree or legal equivalent;

2. Academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by the Programme’s Scientific Committee as attesting capabilities/skills suitable for admission into the BiotechHealth Programme;

3. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish this cycle of studies by the Scientific Committee.

On the date of application submission, all the candidates will have to prove the academic degree required for admission in the course.

If the degree was obtained in an higher education institution abroad, it should be recognized / registered in a Portuguese University.

Candidates from third states are eligible for the FCT scholarship, if holders of a valid residence title or beneficiaries of a long-term resident status, on the application date.

Candidaturas: Ano letivo 2016/2017

Application Procedure: available in the folder “Candidaturas” (in the menu “Documents”, under “Options” on the right side)

Admission and evaluation criteria: available in the folder “Candidaturas” (in the menu “Documents”, under “Options” on the right side)

Application fee: 55¤


Submission of applications
06/06 a 08/07
Publication of provisional results 12/09
Deadline for preliminary hearing (in writing) 13/09 a 26/09
Deadline for publication of final results 28/09
Deadline for appealing of the decision até 30/09
Deadline for publication of the appeal decision 05/10
Deadline for enrollment * 06/10 a 12/10
Period of allocation of substitutes (if applicable) 13/10 a 14/10
Request for equivalence from training/modules time of enrollment

* no Gabinete de Pós-Graduação link: 



Under the grants funded by FCT,IP (Foundation for Science and Technology), the Scientific Commission of the Programme will select the best candidates for scholarships funded by FCT,IP.

Start of academic year: 02 January 2017

Duration of PhD: 4 years (8 semestres)

PhD fees:

- Full time: ¤ 2750,00 /year
- Part time: ¤ 1650,00 /year (60% of full time) 

- For candidates under the International Student Statute * 

(Approved by Decreto-Lei 36/2014 de 10 de março): ¤ 6000,00 /year

- Part time: ¤ 3600,00 /year (60% of full time)

To be payed in accordance to the University of Porto tuition fee regulations (Regulamento de Propinas da U.Porto

 Registration fees and student insurance:
- Registration fee: ¤ 100,00 (to be paid at the time of registration in the PhD).
- Insurance: ¤ 2,00 (subject to update according to the Portuguese Law, valor sujeito a actualização, to be paid at the time of registration).

* Internacional Students can find further information on studying at  Universidade do Porto


For any query regarding the application process please contact:
Helena Cristina Martins
Post- Graduation Office



10h:00 - 12h:00
14h:00 - 15h:30

General information

Official Code: 5881
Director: Manuel Vilanova
Codiretor: Salette Reis
Acronym: BioTec
Academic Degree: Doctor
Type of course/cycle of study: Doctoral Degree
Start: 2013/2014
Duration: 8 Semesters

Study Plan

Involved Organic Units


  • Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology Applied to Health Sciences (240 ECTS credits)
  • Curso de doutoramento em Biotecnologia Molecular e Celular (60 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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