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Chemometric Analysis of Excitation Emission Matrices of Fluorescent Nanocomposites

Chemometric Analysis of Excitation Emission Matrices of Fluorescent Nanocomposites
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Joao M M Leitao
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Roma Tauler
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Joaquim C G E Esteves da Silva
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Vol. 21
Páginas: 1987-1996
ISSN: 1053-0509
Editora: Springer Nature
Classificação Científica
FOS: Ciências exactas e naturais > Química
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-002-MS8
Abstract (EN): The performance of multivariate curve resolution (MCR-ALS) to decompose sets of excitation emission matrices of fluorescence (EEM) of nanocomposite materials used as analytical sensors was assessed. The two fluorescent nanocomposite materials were: NH(2)-polyethylene glycol (PEG200) functionalized carbon dots, sensible to aqueous Hg(II) (CD); and, CdS quantum dots attached to the dendrimer DAB, sensible to the ionic strength of the aqueous medium (CdS-DAB). The structures of these sets of EEM, obtained as function of the Hg(II) concentration and ionic strength, are characterized by collinear properties (CD) and non-linear spectral variations (CdS-DAB). MCR-ALS was able to detect that the source of the collinearities is the presence of different size CD that show similar affinity towards Hg(II). Moreover, MCR-ALS was able to model the non-linear spectral variations of the CdS-DAB that are induced by varying ionic strength. The chemometric preprocessing of the fluorescent data sets using soft-modelling multivariate curve resolution like MCR-ALS is a critical step to transform these nanocomposites with interesting fluorescent proprieties into analytical useful nanosensors.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 10
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