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A FIA-enzymatic method for the determination of L(+) lactate: application in parenteral solution analysis

A FIA-enzymatic method for the determination of L(+) lactate: application in parenteral solution analysis
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Barrado, E
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Vela, MH
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Título: QUIMICA ANALITICAImportada do Authenticus Pesquisar Publicações da Revista
Vol. 19
Páginas: 241-246
ISSN: 0212-0569
Editora: Springer
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-001-25P
Abstract (EN): A flow injection system for the determination of L(+)lactate in parenteral solutions was developed. The system is based on the amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide, produced when lactate is converted to pyruvate by the enzyme lactate oxidase over a platinum electrode. The flow injection manifold contains a dialysis unit to maintain the enzyme in a closed re-circulation loop. Determinations are made without the need to pre-treat the sample. Under optimal conditions of pH, temperature and hydrodynamic and geometric variables obtained by means of a L-9(3(4)) Taguchi parameter design, a linear response was achieved for lactate concentrations within the range 2 to 30 mM, working at 37 degreesC. Reproducibility was good (RSD < 5%, n = 20) at a sampling rate of 25 determinations/hour. The results obtained were in close agreement with those of a reference method (European Pharmacopeia).
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 6
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