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Arsenic and antimony in water and wastewater: Overview of removal techniques with special reference to latest advances in adsorption

Arsenic and antimony in water and wastewater: Overview of removal techniques with special reference to latest advances in adsorption
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Gabriela Ungureanu
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Rui Boaventura
Cidália Botelho
Vol. 151
Páginas: 326-342
ISSN: 0301-4797
Editora: Elsevier
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00A-3GB
Abstract (EN): Arsenic and antimony are metalloids, naturally present in the environment but also introduced by human activities. Both elements are toxic and carcinogenic, and their removal from water is of unquestionable importance. The present article begins with an overview of As and Sb chemistry, distribution and toxicity, which are relevant aspects to understand and develop remediation techniques. A brief review of the recent results in analytical methods for speciation and quantification was also provided. The most common As and Sb removal techniques (coagulation/flocculation, oxidation, membrane processes, electrochemical methods and phyto and bioremediation) are presented with discussion of their advantages, drawbacks and the main recent achievements. Literature review on adsorption and biosorption were focused in detail. Considering especially the case of developing countries or rural communities, but also the finite energy resources that over the world are still dependent, recent research have focused especially readily available low-cost adsorbents, as minerals, wastes and biosorbents. Many of these alternative sorbents have been presenting promising results and can be even superior when compared to the commercial ones. Sorption capacities were accurately compiled for As(III,V) and Sb(III,V) species in order to provide to the reader an easy but detailed comparison. Some aspects related to experimental conditions, comparison criteria, lack of research studies, economic aspects and adsorption mechanisms were critically discussed.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 17
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