Resumo: |
The Erasmus network for chemistry and chemical engineering education, EC2E2N2, brings together all actors in the sector, in Europe and beyond, with the aim of supporting and providing the tools for addressing the Europe 2020 strategy, the proposed 'Erasmus for All' aims, the continued development of the European Higher Education Area, and the issues concerning Higher Education raised by the chemical industry in their report on 'Skills for Innovation in the European Chemical Industry' (CEFIC, October 2011) and the report of the DG Enterprise and Industry High Level Group on Competitiveness of the European Chemicals Industry.
The project will produce the following main outputs/products:
- Best practice examples of important areas of science teacher training, and a self-evaluation test for these areas
- A database of expertise in different teaching methods
- A survey and needs analysis for the training of professional chemists and training modules for professional chemists
- An entrepreneurship training initiative, a cluster of spinoff/start-up companies and a support structure for this cluster
- Case studies illustrating the impact of chemistry on society and a test of chemistry in everyday life
- The creation and support of a Virtual Learning Community
- Recommendations to enhance mobility in the sector, including the use of industrial placements
- Descriptors and a quality label for short-cycle studies in chemistry
- An integrated set of descriptors for all post-secondary education in chemistry looking towards Europe 2020.
These outputs will have a positive impact on the quality of teacher training; provide opportunities for professional training for both employed and unemployed chemists; enhance mobility; provide the tools for sustainable entrepreneurship; and aid the design of courses at all post-secondary levels. They will also help to improve the public understanding of chemistry and provide motivation for the study of chemistry. |