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Maria Antónia Carravilla

Fotografia de Maria Antónia da Silva Lopes e Carravilla
Nome: Maria Antónia da Silva Lopes e Carravilla Ligação à página pessoal de Maria Antónia da Silva Lopes e Carravilla
Sigla: mac
Estado: Ativo
Email Institucional:
Telefone: 22 508 1517
Voip: 3240
Extensão Telefónica: 3240
Salas: I212


Categoria: Professor Catedrático
Carreira: Pessoal Docente de Universidades
Grupo profissional: Docente
Departamento: Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


Cargo Data de Início
Presidente do Conselho de Representantes 2025-01-29
Membro do Conselho de Representantes 2024-12-18
Membro do Conselho Cientifico 2023-05-31
Membro do Conselho de Departamento Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2022-11-29
Diretor de Programa Doutoral Programa Doutoral em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2023-03-23
Presidente da Comissão Cientifica Programa Doutoral em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2023-03-23
Membro da Comissão Cientifica Mestrado em Engenharia de Segurança e Higiene Ocupacionais 2021-11-16
Presidente da Comissão de Acompanhamento de Curso Programa Doutoral em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2023-03-23

Apresentação Pessoal

Maria Antónia da Silva Lopes e Carravilla is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), where she also serves as the Director of the Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering and Management. She is a Principal Investigator at the Center for Industrial Engineering and Management (CEGI) at INESC TEC and a faculty member at Porto Business School, where she taught in the MBA and Executive MBA programs. Over the years, she has been a Visiting Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP), strengthening international academic collaborations.

Educational Background

Maria Antónia holds an Aggregation in Industrial Engineering and Management from FEUP (2010), focusing on constraint programming for solving nesting problems. She earned her PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1996), specializing in hierarchical production planning, and her MSc in the same field (1991), with a thesis on digital controllers. She graduated with a BSc in Electrical Engineering (1984), focusing on power systems. This academic trajectory reflects her deep foundation in engineering, operations research, and decision sciences.

Research Contributions

Her primary research interests include operations research and management sciences, with a strong orientation toward solving real-world industrial, service, and public administration challenges. She has focused on efficient resource use in production systems, addressing logistics, vehicle routing, and production planning problems, particularly cutting and packingHer work on shared mobility systems in the transportation sector integrates pricing strategies and capacity planning through a revenue management perspective.

Maria Antónia specializes in developing meta-heuristic algorithms and hybrid methodologies combining these approaches with mathematical programming, achieving significant results in solving large-scale, complex problems. Her work has led to creating decision support systems and analytical reports for various organizations, generating valuable, actionable insights and fostering long-term industry-academia partnerships.

Project Leadership and Funding

She has been responsible for numerous competitive research contracts with industry, services, and public administration, funded by agencies like FCT, the European Union, FAPESP, CAPES, and Spain's Ministry of Science and Education. These projects formed the basis for doctoral theses, including "sandwich" PhDs with Brazilian universities, and resulted in high-impact publications in journals and international conferences.

Academic Leadership and Institutional Impact

Maria Antónia has contributed extensively to FEUP and the University of Porto’s governance. She has served as:

  • Member of FEUP’s Scientific Council and Department Council;
  • Vice-President of the Council of Representatives at FEUP;
  • Member of INESC TEC’s Scientific Council;
  • Member of Porto Business School’s Academic Council.

As a Pro-Director for Management and Control, she applied operational research tools to enhance the management of higher education institutions. Her leadership extended to developing models for decision-making in higher education, including faculty workload evaluation, benchmarking, and sustainability assessments. She spearheaded strategic projects such as the Júpiter Project, overseeing FEUP’s relocation to new facilities and modernizing financial workflows later adopted university-wide.

Pedagogical Contributions

Maria Antónia has taught operations research, logistics, and decision support systems courses at the BSc, MSc, and doctoral levels. She has supervised numerous theses, blending academic rigor with industrial relevance. Her teaching innovations include continuous assessment and project-based learning, significantly enhancing student engagement and outcomes.

She is a recognized leader in promoting operations research teaching and organizing dedicated educational streams at international conferences like EURO and IFORS since 2010. Her work in this area has been widely disseminated through invited talks, workshops, and academic publications.

Recognition and Awards

Maria Antónia’s excellence in education has been recognized with multiple awards, including the FEUP Excellence in Teaching Award, which honors outstanding teaching contributions. She was the first recipient of this award when it was established.

Professional Service

In addition to her academic roles, Maria Antónia was the Treasurer of APDIO (Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional), where she has modernized administrative processes, including transitioning to an online accounting system and streamlining membership fee payments.

Public Service and Education Policy

She has participated in initiatives to improve education in Portugal, including:

  • Member of a working group appointed by the Ministry of Education to evaluate basic and secondary education;
  • Panel member for evaluating outcome indicators in higher education;
  • Researcher in a project to establish an Observatory of Education in Portugal aimed at assessing the impact of public policies on the educational system.

Publications and Dissemination

Maria Antónia has published extensively in high-impact journals, including pioneering work in cutting and packing, shared mobility systems, and logistics. She has also presented her findings at international conferences, contributing to advancing operational research and decision sciences.


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Categoria: Membro Integrado
Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento: INESC TEC - INESC Tecnologia e Ciência
Instituto de Interface: Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência
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