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Gas transfer in supported Langmuir-Blodgett films of polymeric lipids

Gas transfer in supported Langmuir-Blodgett films of polymeric lipids
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
stroeve, pieter
coelho, manuel an
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dong, shengxiong
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lam, paul
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coleman, lawrence b
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ringsdorf, helmut
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schneider, jurgen
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Título: Thin Solid FilmsImportada do Authenticus Pesquisar Publicações da Revista
Vol. 180
Páginas: 241-248
ISSN: 0040-6090
Editora: Elsevier
Publicação em ISI Web of Knowledge ISI Web of Knowledge
Publicação em Scopus Scopus - 7 Citações
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-008-P4T
Abstract (EN): Asymmetric membranes were fabricated by depositing Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of polymeric lipids on porous supports. Three polymeric lipids were used for deposition. Up to 50 Y-type layers were deposited on one side of the porous supports of polypropylene (Celgard) and polytetrafluoroethylene (GORE-TEX) membranes. A marked decrease in gas transfer with increasing number of LB layers was observed for the asymmetric membranes fabricated with the porous polypropylene. Gas transfer in the asymmetric membranes using porous polytetrafluoroethylene remained unchanged with the number of polymeric layers. The LB multilayers on polypropylene showed no evidence for pores or cracks as determined by scanning electron microscopy (at a magnification of 40000×), but the LB multilayers on polytetrafluoroethylene revealed large cracks. The gas permeabilities of nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide in the polypropylene-based asymmetric membranes were a function of the molecular weight of the gas for two of the three polymers.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 8
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