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Reaction Engineering III

Code: M.EQ002     Acronym: ERIII

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Technological Sciences (Chemical Engineering)

Instance: 2021/2022 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Chemical Engineering
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Chemical Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
M.EQ 45 Syllabus 1 - 6 52 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2021-09-16.

Fields changed: Curricular Unit support software, Complementary Bibliography, Mandatory literature

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Provide the methodology for the development of knowledge and analysis of competition between transport phenomena and reaction, at the catalyst particle scale, as well as at the heterogeneous catalytic reactors scale. These competences aim the simulation, design and operation conditions optimisation of such reactors.

Learning outcomes and competences

Acquisition of knowledge about competition between transport phenomena and chemical reaction at the level of catalyst particle to develop skills aiming catalytic reactors design.

Working method



I. Problems at the catalytic particle scale
I.1.1 Spherical, slab and cylindrical geometries. Qualitative treatment of the competition reaction/diffusion. Catalyst effectiveness factor.
I.1.2 Pore diffusion and reaction in isothermal catalysts.
I.1.3 Pore diffusion, film diffusion and reaction in isothermal catalysts.
I.2 Diffusion/conduction and reaction in non-isothermal catalysts.
I.2.1 Damköhler equation.
I.2.2 Heat and mass transfer in the film and chemical reaction for non-isothermal catalysts.
I.2.3 Weisz-Prater number for the catalyst at chemical regime.
I.3 The effect of diffusional limitations on the measurement of kinetic parameters.
I.4 Models for catalyst poisoning: uniform and progressive poisoning. Poisoning factor.

II. Problems at reactor scale
II.1 Pseudohomogeneous and heterogeneous models of fixed bed reactors.
II.2 Unidimensional and bidimensional models. Model equivalence.
II.4 Stability diagrams.*

III. Non-catalytic heterogeneous reactors.
III.1 Uses of solid/fluid reactions.
III.2 Models for fluid/solid reactions: uniform and shrinking core models.
III.3 Time for complete conversion of a particle: controlling film mass transfer, control by chemical reaction and control by diffusion in the ash layer.
III.4 Relations between time, conversion and radius of unconverted core for various geometries.
III.5 Solids reactors.*

IV. Multiphase and multifunctional reactors (e.g. membrane or sorptive reactors).*

* Topics that might be not taught, due to the reduction in the no. of teaching weeks and class typology (due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

Mandatory literature

Froment, Gilbert F.; Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design. ISBN: 0-471-51044-0 s
Levenspiel, Octave; Chemical reaction engineering. ISBN: 0-471-25424-X
Rodrigues, A.E.; Scientific basis for the design of two phase catalytic reactors, em “Multiphase Chemical Reactors”, Volume II – Design Methods, Rodrigues, A.E., Calo, J.M. and Sweed, N.H. (Eds.), 1981

Complementary Bibliography

Lanny D. Schmidt; The engineering of chemical reactions. ISBN: 0-19-510588-5

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures with emphasis on methods to handle catalytic reactors supported by concrete examples. The solving problems sessions and the continuous evaluation aim addressing techniques to solve concrete problems of reactor design and examples in emerging and frontier areas.




Technological sciences > Engineering > Simulation engineering
Technological sciences > Engineering > Chemical engineering

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 65,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 35,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 36,00
Estudo autónomo 70,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students that have already in the past attended the curricular unit, are not oblied to attend again, unless they want to repeat the Distributed Evaluation.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final mark (FM): FM = max(0.35 DE + 0.65 FE; FE)
Approval condition: EF greater than or equal to 7 val.

Distributed evaluation (DE) with final exam (FE).

Distributed evaluation (DE):
- Home-works (HW) and at least one oral presentation/discussion (OD) of them will be taken into account, including peer review (PR) *: DE = 0.35 HW + 0.35 OD + 0.30 PR
- Students will be distributed, by the teachers, in groups of ca. 2-4 elements (depending on the number of students registered in the subject and performing DE);
- Students registered in the course unit should indicate, to the responsible teacher and until the end of the 1st week of classes, if they want to be enrolled in the distributed evaluation (DE) + final exam (FE); otherwise they will be evaluated by FE only;
- Students that got attendance should indicate, to the responsible teacher and until the end of the 1st week of classes, if they want to be enrolled in the distributed evaluation (DE); otherwise, they will be evaluated by FE only, keeping the previous DE;
- Each group will perform, along the semester, ca. 4 home-works, with 1-2 problems each;
- 2 home-works of each group will be corrected and evaluated;
- On some Mondays (day when there will be type B classes - face-to-face), in the late afternoon, at 6 PM, discussions will be held with 1-2 groups, previously identified and informed in the DEQ room to be designated (possibly E111);
- If there is no presence of a member of the group who has not previously informed and justified possible absence, the discussion is not made with this group, but with the following one. When a student has two absences, he will have a mark of 0 in the OD component and the discussion is made with the rest of the group (so that the colleagues are not affected).

* - The PR implies that each member of the group evaluates, at the end of the semester, the remaining colleagues (confidentially). This evaluation is mandatory and will have to be transmitted by email to the course staff (if not done, the student evaluator will have 0 points in the DE). If the DE average of a given student (assessed) differs by more than 3 val. from the DE, the PR will not be taken into account, in which case DE = 0.5 WH + 0.5 OD.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students under these circumstances must indicate, to the responsible teacher and until the end of the 1st week of classes, if they want to be enrolled in the distributed evaluation (DE) + final exam (FE) evaluation, respecting the above-mentioned rules; otherwise, they will be evaluated by FE only.

Classification improvement

By a new exam, according to the law. There is no possibility for improving the distributed classification.


Final exam without consulting any type of document.

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