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Instrumentation for Measurement

Code: EM0095     Acronym: IM

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Automation

Instance: 2019/2020 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Automation, Instrumentation and Control Section
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Mechanical Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEM 200 Syllabus since 2006/2007 2 - 6 52 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Scientists and engineers need experimentation for confirming theory, computational modelling and controlling even the most elementary system. The instrumentation for measurement is fundamental in metrology, laboratory and industrial measurements, systems control and supervision. All these fields of instrumentation are taken into account in the syllabus of this one semester course of the Integrated MSc in Mechanical Engineering, although the main focus is in the domain of laboratory and industrial measurements. The main objectives are: To work with concepts, principles, methodologies and procedures, offering a basic theoretical background in laboratory and industrial measurement; to promote the use of online experimentation and the use of haptic interaction systems complementing theoretical topics; to promote the use of thematic materials available in a  distance learning platform in the context of b-learning approach. Emphasis will be given to problems analysis based on practical aspects of measurement.

Learning outcomes and competences

Expected learning outcomes from lecturing rooms: - To deal with the more current metrological terms according with the International Metrological Vocabulary (VIM). - To analyze the working principles of the different measuring system blocks and their main characteristics related with applications. - To evaluate the methodologies for minimizing measurement errors and to identify measurement uncertainty components. To foster students to the use of emerging technologies as basis for online experimentation and in line with IoT resources.

Expected learning outcomes from other sessions: - To increase the familiarity with details when using laboratory generic equipment as: multimeter, oscilloscope, wave generator, current/voltage power supply, measuring bridge; - To practice the evaluation of error analysis in measurements; - To identify and to master the working principle of strain, displacement, force, pressure, velocity, temperature measurement systems and proximity detection usually used in industrial environments and in R&D labs; - To identify, to analyze and to minimize error sources from physical quantity measurements and - To evaluate the obtained results; - To identify error sources in the measurement of physical quantities, evaluating and discussing results. Make students familiarized with online experimentation and its use

Acquired competences - Technical and scientific knowledge associated to the Measurement and Instrumentation area, either at theoretical or at experimental levels; - Critical thinking, analysis and discussion capabilities; - Teamwork skills; - Self-evaluation ability.

Working method



1 - Basic concepts of Metrology. 2 - Measurements - errors and uncertainties. 3 – Sensors physical working principles.  4 – Signal conditioning and transmission.5 - Measurement of physical quantities.


Mandatory literature

Dally, James W.; Instrumentation for engineering measurements. ISBN: 0-471-55192-9
Maria Teresa Restivo, Fernando Gomes de Almeida, Maria de Fátima Chouzal; Medição de deformação. ISBN: 978-989-746-028-9

Complementary Bibliography

Asch, Georges; Les capteurs en instrumentation industrielle. ISBN: 2-10-004758-2
Doebelin, Ernest O.; Measurement systems. ISBN: 0-07-100697-4
Maria Teresa Restivo... [et al.]; Laboratórios de instrumentação para medição. ISBN: 978-972-8025-67-0
Timoshenko, Stephen P.; Mecânica dos sólidos. ISBN: 85-216-0247-2 (vol.1)

Teaching methods and learning activities

All the course information is in the Moodle platform, even the theoretical and lab schedules and the assessment criteria grid. Blended learning methodologies are exploited, using the Moodle e-learning platform where three thematic materials are available. Students are invited to contribute for building a glossary, which may help the sedimentary process of knowledge. Students will have access to online experimentation.

The course has continuous assessment of concepts, procedures and methodologies, without final written examination. There are two distinct assessment components (individual assessment during problem discussion sessions along the semester) and three short tests in three moments along the semester.


Physical sciences > Physics > Metrology
Technological sciences > Technology > Instrumentation technology
Technological sciences > Technology > Measurement technology
Technological sciences > Technology > Laboratory technology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 30,00
Teste 70,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 95,00
Frequência das aulas 52,00
Trabalho laboratorial 15,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Not exceed the official maximum number of missing classes; 

Calculation formula of final grade

The final mark (AD - distributed evalution) is based in 2 components TPF and TEF:

TPF - arithmetic mean of individual written answers to a set of questions on each problem discussion classes. Minimum average mark of 8,0 (20). 

TEF - Weighted average of three tests distributed along the semester (TE1, TE2 and TE3) according with:

TEF = 30% (TE1) + 35% (TE2) + 35% (TE3)

Minimum average mark of 8,0 (20). Each component has to reach a minimum mark of 6,0 (20).

AD = 0.3 * TPF + 0.7 * TEF

If any of the components did not have reached the mark of 8,0/20, the Final mark AD will be equal to the smallest one.

Classification improvement

Final written exam.


TPF component is not subject of any special request period

In the specific special appeal period the student will be accepted to repeat one of the tests - TP1, TP2 OR TP3.

According to the confinement state, it was impossible to fulfill the distributed evaluation process. Therefore, the evaluation will take place based on a final exam. And, one supplementary exam if necessary

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