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Agile Software Development Methodologies

Code: EIC0062     Acronym: MADS

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Software Engineering

Instance: 2014/2015 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
E-learning page: https://moodle.fe.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Department of Informatics Engineering
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEIC 21 Syllabus since 2009/2010 5 - 6 56 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


The key objectives of the course unit is to provide the students with knowledge and concrete experience on the definition, usage and refinement of agile processes for a specific project.

Learning outcomes and competences

At the end of the course, the students should:

- have developed the minimal skills and acquisition of the fundamental knowledge to enable students to autonomously start agile development processes, under several roles: process engineering, developer, manager.

- have developed critical analysis skills about the essentials of agile methods, their philosophy, values, needs and applicability, challenges and opportunities created in people, teams and software development organizations.

- acquired hands-on experience on practices of agile software development.

- to have practiced some of the most popular variants of agile processes.

- to have managed and be part of a real project as a case study, developed along the course.

Working method



Introduction to Agile Methods.
Why and when we need agile methods.
Agile software: key values and principles.
Key practices typical of agile methods: overview of the key pratices used in agile processes.
Popular Examples of agile methods: XP, Scrum, FDD.
Team work: “Coaching”, “Technical Environment”, “On-site customer”
Planning: “Planning Game”, “Small Releases”.
Tests: “Acceptance tests”, “Unit-tests”, “Test-first programming”.
Design: “Simple Design”, “Refactoring”, “Design patterns”.
Development of real agile projects and their relation with the user.

Mandatory literature

Jim Highsmith; Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products, Addison-Wesley Professional , 2004. ISBN: 978-0321219770

Teaching methods and learning activities

The classes will be use to introduce to the key concepts and contents of the course and to develop an agile project (3-4 teams) along the course. In order to focus the students in particular topics, it will be proposed small readings and questions as assignments.

Altogether, the readings, exercises and project will motivate students to complement the lectures with personal research and learning.



Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 35,00
Participação presencial 10,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Trabalho laboratorial 35,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 0,00
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 24,00
Frequência das aulas 40,00
Trabalho laboratorial 100,00
Total: 164,00

Eligibility for exams

Minimum of 40% in each evaluation component.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final = (Assignment x 20%) + (Exam x 35%) + (Project x 35%) + (Individual Mark x 10%)

Project: Software development of a software product following an agile methodology, starting in mid-semester until the end of the semester.
Research Essay: Bibliography research on a topic related to agile software development, presented as a scientific paper.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Identical to other students. The students with this status must contact the teacher to notlfy of this situation.

Classification improvement

Improving the exam grade can be achieved by having another exam. All other components (assignment, project and individual mark) can be improved with a new assignment to be discussed with the teacher.

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