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Information Systems I

Code: EIG0021     Acronym: SI I

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Informatics

Instance: 2013/2014 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Engineering and Industrial Management

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEIG 78 Syllabus since 2006/2007 3 - 6 56 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Prepare students for designing information systems appropriate to user needs and objectives of organizations, considering the short, medium and long term. So they should be able to prepare conceptual models of information, in particular classes of objects and relational models, develop conceptual models of user interaction, apply software engineering methodology, and use relational database management systems.

Learning outcomes and competences

Students should be able to (i) analyze a problem of information management, (ii) propose and test a conceptual model, (iii) build and test a prototype database and user interfaces, including searches and reports. This prototype can be for personal use, but it is not suitable for groups of people. Students learn to negotiate the development of robust enterprise systems.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)


Conceitos básicos de gestão empresarial.

Conhecimentos básicos de computação pessoal.


1. DESIGN OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Introduction to the processes of analysis and modelling of systems and organisations; Introduction to the design of an information system.

2. USER INTERFACE MODELING: Introduction; Introduction to specification and prototyping tools; Recommendations, principles and rules for interface design; Main models of interface: menus, forms, dialogue boxes and direct manipulation; Problems with user interaction modelling.

3. CONCEPTUAL MODELING OF CLASSES: static modelling of classes of objects (UML); classes, attributes and methods; associations and simple aggregations; generalisations and inheritance; Mapping between class model and relational model.

4. DATABASE DESIGN: Introduction to DBMS - Database Management Systems; SQL language; RelacionalAlgebra and Calculus; Database normalisation.


Mandatory literature

C. J. Date; An introduction to database systems. ISBN: 0-201-19215-2 (vol.1)

Comments from the literature

MAIN BIBLIOGRAPHY: Documentation prepared by lecturers (lecture notes in Portuguese and presentations from classes in English) in the course Web page (SiFEUP/SIGARRA) OTHER BIBLIOGRAPHY (selected chapters to be indicated by the lecturers on the indicated themes): DESIGN OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Barry W. Boehm: Software Engineering Economics, Prentice Hall 1981. USER INTERFACE MODELING: Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Jenny Preece: Interaction Design: Beyond Human - Computer Interaction, John Wiley & Sons 2011. CONCEPTUAL MODELING OF CLASSES: Michael R. Blaha, William J. Premerlani: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design for Database Applications, Prentice Hall 1998. DATABASE DESIGNand CONCEPTUAL MODELING OF CLASSES: Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan: Database System Concepts, McGraw-Hill 1997. DATABASE DESIGN: C. J. Date: An Introduction to Database Systems (6th Edition), Addison Wesley 1995. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS: John F. Rockart: Chief Executives Define their own Data Needs, Harvard Business Review, 2, 1979. PROCESS MODELLING: Geary A. Rummler, Alan P. Brache: Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart, Jossey-Bass 1990.

Teaching methods and learning activities

This course is based on the following complementary activities that involve lecturing, learning, and associated assessment of acquired knowledge and competences:

A1. THEORETICAL NOTIONS: The theoretical concepts taught during theoretical classes should be learnt by study activities and conceptualisation.

A2. THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL CASES: Students should study test cases and solutions presented by lecturers in classes, and practice with new problems.

A3. DBMS TOOL: After the presentation of the software tool (MS Access) students should autonomously use and explore it.

A4. INFORMATION SYSTEM PROTOTYPE: Students have to design and develop an IS prototype. This project will be supervised by the lecturers during classes. Note: Student groups will be composed based on a questionnaire with behavioural questions aiming at creating homogenous groups.


Microsoft Access

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Defesa pública de dissertação, de relatório de projeto ou estágio, ou de tese 5,00
Teste 60,00
Trabalho escrito 10,00
Trabalho laboratorial 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 20,00
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 16,00
Estudo autónomo 60,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Trabalho de investigação 10,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students have to reach a minimum mark to be admitted to exams (See General Evaluation Rules of FEUP).

All written examinations are closed book exercises. The most important formulas will be provided to students if required. It will also be taken into the account in the assessment the presentation, correctness and quality of the Portuguese or English language used.

The group project mark done in a previous academic year will be considered only if the cross-evaluation by the rest of the group is over 2 values in 5.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final mark will be based on the mark of the mini-tests (60%) and on the group assignment (40%). 

P0 - Mini-test MS Access: 10%

P1 - Mini-tests TP: -- Note: A minimum mark of 6.5 out of 20 is required in this component for successful completion of this course. 

-- P1.1 Mini-test 1: 10% -- Design of Information Systems and User Interface Modeling (Chapter 1 and 2)

-- P1.2 Mini-test 2: 20% -- Conceptual Modeling (Chapter 3)

-- P1.3 Mini-test 3: 20% -- Design of Databases, Functional Dependencies, Normalization, Algebra, Relational Calculus, and SQL (Chapter 4)

P2 - Group project assignment – global group mark:

-- P2.1 Report of proposed project: 10%

-- P2.2 Developed prototype in MS Access: 25%

-- P2.3 Presentation of work: 5% -- Note: This mark may be different for each group member (see text below).

Each group makes a 10 minute presentation. The lecturers will choose which student will make the presentation and may ask questions to each group member individually (this allows a distinct evaluation of each group member in this evaluation component). At the end of the group project assignment, each student has to assess each of his group colleagues using a cross evaluation system available on: http://paginas.fe.up.pt/~sibd/aval (SiFEUP/SIGARRA username and password).

This cross-evaluation may change the individual mark of a student in the group project negatively or positively as follows: [-2, -1, 0, 1] (when compared to the global group mark before cross-evaluation).

Students who do not answer the survey used to set the profile for the creation of the projects groups within the prescribed deadline will have a penalty of 25% on the group work mark.

Students who do not perform the cross-evaluation within the prescribed deadline will have a penalty of 25% on the group work mark.

At the time of appeal exam: the marks obtained in group work and in the MS Access mini-test will keep the same weight.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Internship work/project

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students with a special status (working students, military personnel, and high-level competition athletes) can opt to be assessed as normal students.


Instead of separate components P1.1, P1.2 e P1.3 they should answer a written final examination (date to be defined) with those 3 parts.

Component P2.1 will be required, and an individual report of the proposed project should be submitted. Components P0, P2.2 e P2.3 will be replaced by a unique practical exam in a computer (date to be defined), involving the implementation of the prototype specified in P2.1. It is estimated that this exam will last for about 5 hours.

P1.1 + P1.2 + P1.3: 50%

P2.1: 10%

P0+P2.2+P2.3: 40%

Classification improvement

Students may repeat in the period of exams at the end of the semester the P1 short exam with the lowest mark.

Students may also improve their marks in the following academic year, by improving the components they wish to.

The group project mark done in a previous academic year will be considered only if the cross-evaluation by the rest of the group is over 2 values in 5.


The members of the groups will be selected by the lecturers. This selection will be based on a questionnaire, which will work as way of defining each students’ profile in a group. Each member of the group will have the chance to assess the performance of the peer members, by a system of crossed assessment.

Students that failed in the course during the semester may repeat in the period of exams at the end of the semester the P1 short exam with the lowest mark.

Students who failed this course in a previous year, can ask that their previous positive marks (P1 mini-tests or P2 group project) be taken into account in the current assessment. A P1 positive mark is one higher or equal to 10 (out of 20). For component P2 to be taken into account students must have a minimum mark of 10 (out of 20) both on the report and on the project, and have achieved a positive mark in the group cross evaluation.

The grade of previous years’ assignments will be calculated based on a simple proportionality rule (for example, if a student have achieved a mark of 16 out of 20 on P2 and if in the current year they achieve a grade of 8 out of 20, it will be calculated as follows: (16/20)x8=6,4.

Contact with students will be made by the SIFEUP/SIGARRA e-mail.

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