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Strength of Materials II

Code: EC0019     Acronym: RMAT2

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Materials

Instance: 2010/2011 - 2S

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://civil.fe.up.pt/pub/apoio/ano2/rm2/ano2_rm2.htm
E-learning page: http://moodle.fe.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Construction Materials Division
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Civil Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEC 428 Syllabus since 2006/2007 2 - 8 90 214

Teaching language



Resolution of hiperstatics bending structures; determination of tensions and deformations in any point of the bars submitted to the axial efforts, bending, cut and twist, and its combination. Study of the tension state and deformation in a point (2D and 3D). Study of the instability of compressed bars.


Chapter 1 - Bending: Hiperestatics structures
Hiperestatics problems, of degree 1, with bended bars. Diferencial equation of the elastic; its integration. Method of the fictitious unit of load or of Maxwell - Mohr.

Chapter 2 - Cut
"Technician" cut, elements for the calculation of screwed and welded linkings.
Levelling or slipping efforts, and tangencial tensions in simple bending. Tangential tensions in beams of thin wall and open section. Torsional or cut center. Tangential tensions in beams coffin with a cell. Deformations due to the transversal effort, reduced cut section, warping of the transversal sections.

Chapter 3 – Torsion
Bars of circular section. Analogy of the membrane, rectangular sections, open sections of thin walls. Tubular bars of thin wall, formulas of Bredt.

Chapter 4 - Combination of N-M-V-T efforts
Diagrams of structures submitted to composed bending and cut with twist. Eccentric compression and composed bending. Central nucleus and tensions analysis. Sections with non resistant material to the traction, outside nucleus plough applied forces but existing in a plan of symmetry of the part. Applications.

Chapter 5 - Tension and deformation status in 2D and 3D ways
Plain tension status. Circle of Mohr. Determination of the principal stresses and its orientation in a beam. State of tension in a 3D way. Equations of definied and undefinied balance. Referencial change. Circle of Mohr 3D.
State of deformation in the neighborhood of a point. Concept of homogenius deformation. Decomposition of homogenius deformations. Main extensions. Compatibility equations.
Law of generalized Hooke.

Chapter 6 – Instability
Critical loads in perfect parts and imperfect parts. Coefficients j of the R.E.A.E. (Regulation of Steel Structures for Buildings).
Beams column. Dangling

Mandatory literature

Victor Dias da Silva; Mecânica e Resistência dos Materiais, Ediliber, 1995
Beer, Ferdinand P; Mecânica dos materiais. ISBN: 972-773-145-7
Luís F. P. Juvandes; Resistência de Materiais 2 – Aulas Teóricas – Ano Lectivo 2004/2005 , Editorial da Feup
J. Mota Freitas; Sebenta de Resistência de Materiais, FEUP, 1978

Complementary Bibliography

Massonnet, Charles; Résistance des matériaux
Luís F. P. Juvandes; Resistência dos Materiais 1+2 - Textos de Apoio – Colecção de Exercícios, publicação disponível na Editorial da Feup
Timoshenko, Stephen P; Resistência dos materiais
Nash, William A.; Resistência dos materiais

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical classes: presentation of subjects with use of media resources, blackboard and transparencies; formulation and problem solving at the end of each theme; consultation of available sheets of support on the web-page contents of SiFeup.

Practical classes: distribution of exercises on every chapter; supervision


Technological sciences > Engineering > Civil engineering > Structural engineering

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 66,00
1. Distributed evaluation Participação presencial 6,00 2011-05-23
3. Final exam Exame 3,00 2011-07-15
Total: - 0,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Description Type Time (hours) End date
2. Study Estudo autónomo 60
Total: 60,00

Eligibility for exams

According to General Evaluation Rules of FEUP, students must attend to 75% of the classes, that is to say, that students can skip 6 classes.
According to paragraph 3 of Article 4 of General Evaluation Rules of FEUP, students who have completed this course in the previous year, do not have to attend classes.
The frequency will not be graded with a numerical classification.

Calculation formula of final grade

1- Final Exam
Only students who have attend classes or students who have completed the course in the previous year can attend to the final exam. (According to article 7 of General Evaluation Rules of FEUP).

Final exams will be divided into two different parts: theoretical and practical. It is a written exam and consultation is not allowed. The exam will be graded from 0 to 20.

2- Final Mark
Final mark will be based on the best grade of the exam (normal or recurso)
Students who have only written an exam cannot achieve a higher grade than 16 out of 20. They have to attend to an oral exam to have a higher grade.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Proficiency in Portuguese;
Previous attendance of introductory graduate courses in the scientific field addressed in this module;
Evaluation by final exam."

Classification improvement

Improvement of Final/ Distributed Classification
Students can improve their grade by attending a written exam.
Students have to attend to an oral exam to have a higher grade than 16 out of 20.


Working time estimated out of classes: 5 hours
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