Pollution B-II
Instance: 1996/1997 - 2S
Cycles of Study/Courses
Teaching language
Main Bibliography
Título: Industrial Water Pollution Control
Autor(es): W.W. Eckenfelder, 1989
Complementary Bibliography
Metcalf. & Eddy, "Wastewater Engineering-Treatment, Disposal and Reuse.", McGraw-Hill International Eds., 1991
F. Edeline, "L¿épuration physico-chimique des eaux -théorie & technologie", Cebedoc. Ed., 1992
F. Edeline, "L¿épuration biologique des eaux -théorie & technologie des réacteurs", Cebedoc. Ed., 1993
R.S. Ramalho, "Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Processes", Academic Press, 1977