Geology and Metallogenesis of Portugal
Instance: 2006/2007 - 2S
Cycles of Study/Courses
Teaching language
The course of Geology and Metallogenesis of Portugal involves two interdependent areas – geology and metallogeny.
It is aimed to cover the following domains:
- Global Geology of Portugal from the Proterozoic to the Quaternary in the lithostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic, paleogeographic and geodynamic perspective;
- Portuguese deposits within the geological, paleogeographic and dynamic evolution, already studied;
- Inventory of the mineral paragenesis of the Portuguese deposits.
The last aim of these successive approaches, starting from global knowledge to the context of a Mineral Deposit, is to answer the classic questions: Where? How? When? Why? has occurred mineral concentration, economically valuable or not.
Learning outcomes and competences
In the teaching of this course, the field classes are very important due to the direct contact with the resource-producing processes (sedimentological, magmatic, metamorphic and tectonic) and the related implications on the genesis of mineral deposits. The strategies followed in these classes, based on the development of observation skills of geological phenomena and on the search for solutions in harmony with the theory generically accepted by the scientific community, have been shown to be an efficient methodology.
Working method
The Iberian Peninsula within the context of the Variscan and Alpine orogenies:
Orogenic Cycles and main units (Geotectonic, Morphostructural and Terrains).
Geology and Metallogenesis of Portugal developed by the concept of tectonostratigraphic Units – Terrains: (Iberian T., South-Portuguese T., Ophiolitic T. and Polymetamorphic NE T.). Metal genesis in each of the considered Terrains, in the lithostratigraphic, tectonic, metamorphic and magmatic perspective; reference to the valuable non-metallic materials.
Epi-Variscan platform: continental borders and epicontinental basins; valuable metallic and non-metallic materials.
Metallogenic Provinces of Portugal.
Classification of the Portuguese Deposits.
Mandatory literature
Eurico Pereira; Geologia de Portugal / Metalogénese de Portugal, Policopiado (distribuído em CD), 2006
Vários; Geologia de Portugal no Contexto da Ibéria, R.Dias; A.Araújo; P.Terrinha; C.Kullberg (EDS.) - Univ. Évora, 2006
Goinhas, J.A.; Cadre Géologique et métallogénique des ressources minières du Portugal., Chron.Rech.Min. nº489,pp.25-42, 1987
Moura, A., Grade, J.,Ramos, J.F., Moreira, A. ; Granitos e rochas similares dePortugal, Inst.Geol. Mineiro de Portugal, 179 p., 2000
Noronha, F.; Mineralizações, Geonovas, nº 10, pp.37-54, 1988
Perera, E., Ribeiro, A., Meireles, C.; Cisalhamentos hercínicos e controlo estrutural das mineralizações de Sn-W, Au e U na Zona Centro-Ibérica, em Portugal., Cuad.Lab. Xeolóxico de Laxe, Coruña, vol.18, pp. 89-119, 1993
Pereira, E. & Meireles, C.; Metais preciosos em Portugal. Situação da investigação geológica emineira, Est. Not. e Trabalhos , IGM, T. 40, pp.3-34, 1998
Teaching methods and learning activities
Theoretical expositions and field visits, supported by:
- Summary tables of the lithostratigraphy of Portugal;
- Visualization of Geological Maps and illustrative schemes;
- Portuguese Mineral Deposits within the paleogeographic, stratigraphic, tectonic and dynamic evolution of the orogenic developments.
- Understanding the paragenetic associations.
Evaluation Type
Distributed evaluation with final exam
Assessment Components
Description |
Type |
Time (hours) |
Weight (%) |
End date |
Attendance (estimated) |
Participação presencial |
80,00 |
100,00 |
Total: |
- |
100,00 |
Calculation formula of final grade
- Practical Assignments and Reports of the Field Visits (35%);
- Continuous evaluation through mini-tests (15%);
- Final Exam (50%)