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Organic Chemistry I

Code: EQ109     Acronym: QOI

Instance: 2005/2006 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Course/CS Responsible: Chemical Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEQ 125 Plano Oficial EQ a partir 2003 1 3 6 -

Teaching language



This course aims at: recognizing and representing organic molecules; knowing the reactivity of organic compounds and proposing strategy of organic compound synthesis from simple molecules.Laboratory sessions aim to providing students contact with organic synthesis as well as with the purification of organic compounds.


Lectures Program

1.Carbon compounds and chemical bounds.
2.Representative carbon compounds and nomenclature.
3.Characteristic Reactions of Organic Compounds and Reaction Mechanism.
4.Reactions of alkanes (radical substitution): bond-dissociation energies, radical halogenation and relative reactivity.
5.Electrophilic addition to alkenes and alkynes. Polymerisation of alkenes.
6.Stereochemistry: conformational analysis and stereoisomerism.
7.Nucleophilic substitution at saturated carbon: SN2 and SN1 mechanism, stereochemistry.
8.Elimination Reaction: E2 and E1 mechanism, elimination versus substitution.

Laboratory Program

1.Funcional groups analysis: solubility classes and chemical characterization tests.
2.Basic Techniques: recristalization, distillation, extraction, chromatography; sublimation.
3.Purity criterion of organic compounds: melting point, melting point, and chromatography.
4. Experiments related with the programme above.

Mandatory literature

Pine, Stanley H.; Organic Chemistry, N. ISBN: 0-07-100242-1
Carey, Francis A.; Organic chemistry, N. ISBN: 0-07-115148-6
Solomons, T. W. Graham; Organic Chemistry, N. ISBN: 0-471-19095-0
Ault, Addison; Techniques and experiments for organic chemistry, N. ISBN: 0-205-08752-3
Shriner, Ralph L. 070; The Systematic identification of organic compounds, N. ISBN: 0-471-59748-1
Morrison, R.; Química orgânica, N. ISBN: 972-31-0513-6
Vogel, Arthur Israel; Vogel.s textbook of practical organic chemistry, N. ISBN: 0-582-46236-3
Pavia, Donald L. 070; Introduction to organic laboratory techniques, N. ISBN: 0-03-024519-2
Lehman, John W.; Operational organic chemistry, N. ISBN: 0-13-841917-5
ULL; Laboratory methods in organic chemistry, N

Complementary Bibliography

Sykes, Peter; Estudo dos mecanismos das reacções orgânicas, N

Teaching methods and learning activities

The methodology followed can be described as follow:i)Lectures: Oral exposition of the subjects in the program Students are motivated to participate in the lectures. A set of problems is handed out to students for each theoretical topicii)Laboratory sessions: Several experiments are performed in laboratory classes. Notions of safety and laboratory good practices are emphasised. The methodologies used and interpretation of experimental results are discussed with the students.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Subject Classes Participação presencial 65,00
Total: - 0,00

Eligibility for exams

The evaluation components are as follows. i)execution of the experiments in the lab and the written report; ii) laboratorial examination; iii) written evaluation of pratical concepts; iv) final exam paper.

To be admitted to the final exam, the student must i) attend at least 75% of laboratory sessions; ii) perform a laboratory exam; ii) perform a written exam about practical concepts; and iv) have composite laboratory classification (Cl) >9,5 (in 20). This classification will be valid for two years.

Calculation formula of final grade

Cf = 0.75 Nex + 0.25 Np

Cf - final classification;
Cex - exam classification;
Cl – laboratory classification

Examinations or Special Assignments

To be admitted to the final exam, the students exempt from classes must perform the written evaluation of practical concepts and a laboratory exam.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In these special cases, students must perform the above mentioned special evaluation works an tests [unless they have a valid laboratory classification, see 3c)] and co the final exam paper.

Classification improvement

Only Cex can be improved by performing an exam for classification improvement.
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