Surface Engineering
Instance: 2003/2004 - 1S
Cycles of Study/Courses
Teaching language
To sensitise the students for the importance of technical surfaces in the function, durability and liability of the equipments used everyday. To transmit, in a systematic way, the more important knowledge related to surface degradation by wear processes, as well as the ways to minimise in each case, the negative consequences of such phenomena. To endow the students with the information allowing selecting the more appropriate surface finish and/or surface treatment for a given application.
To develop experimental, analysis and observation ability in the students, and in parallel, to confront them with the necessity of exposing, in writing and orally, the results of their works.
Physical and chemical characterization of technical surfaces. Surface analysis and observation. Surface metrology; normalized parameters, limitations and applications. Real contact area and contact stresses. Friction; sliding friction and rolling friction. Life of mechanical parts – wear processes; adhesion, abrasion, erosion, surface fatigue and contact corrosion. Physical and mathematical models, most important parameters and ways to fight each wear mode. Materials for contacts. Coatings and surface treatments; most important characteristics and selection criteria. Organic coatings and polymers, enamels, metallic and ceramic coatings. Thermal and mechanical treatments.
Main Bibliography
Documents given by the teacher, covering the essential of the topics presented during the semester.
Complementary Bibliography
Bharat BHUSHAN (Ed.) "Modern Tribology Handbook", CRC Press, 2001.
E. RABINOWICS; "Wear coefficients - Metals" ( in Wear Control Handbook"), Ed. A.S.M.E.,1980.
T. S. EYRE; Wear resistance of metals - (in Treatise on Materials Science and Tecnology, Vol. 13 - WEAR ), Ed. Douglas Scott, Ac. Press, N. Y., 1979
K. HOLMBERG, A. MATTHEWS; Coatings Tribology. Ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam 1994
F. P. BOWDEN and D. TABOR; The friction and lubrication of solids. Vol. I, II, Clarendon Press - Oxford, 1950 / 64
DONALD H. BUCKLEY; Surface effects in adhesion, friction, wear and lubrication. Tribology series N. 5 - Elsevier Sc. Publ. Comp., Amsterdam 1981
I. V. KRAGELSKY; Friction andf wear. Ed. Butterworths, London, 1965
(Books existing in the library of FEUP)
Teaching methods and learning activities
The theoretical sessions are oral presentations, supported by overhead projections, (and video in special cases).
In practical classes the students (in groups of 2 or 3) execute tribological tests reported in a write document (due by November 28th) presented orally and discussed. They execute also a bibliographic survey work, due by November 3rd.Demonstration sessions will take place involving surface finish measurement and scanning electron microscopy (this one integrated in the visit to CEMUP).
Evaluation Type
Distributed evaluation with final exam