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Effective tailor-made force field parameterization of the several Zn coordination environments in the puzzling FTase enzyme: opening the door to the full understanding of its elusive catalytic mechanism

Effective tailor-made force field parameterization of the several Zn coordination environments in the puzzling FTase enzyme: opening the door to the full understanding of its elusive catalytic mechanism
Another Publication in an International Scientific Journal
Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes
Maria Joao Ramos
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Vol. 117
Pages: 171-181
ISSN: 1432-881X
Publisher: Springer Nature
Scientific classification
FOS: Natural sciences > Chemical sciences
Other information
Authenticus ID: P-004-EQ7
Abstract (EN): Protein farnesyltransferase (FTase) is very promising anticancer drug target, with several drugs in advanced stages of clinical testing. However, in spite of the thrilling achievements in the development of farnesyltransferase inhibitors (FTIs) over the past few years, the farnesylation mechanism remains, to some degree, a mystery. This work reports the determination and validation of three sets of molecular mechanical parameters specifically tailored to accurately account for the very specific nature of the several Zn coordination spheres formed during the unclear catalytic pathway of this puzzling metalloenzyme, and built on the top of recent experimental and theoretical results that have dramatically changed the way how the farnesylation mechanism is perceived. Extensive validation studies with 14 FTase crystallographic structures, EXAFS data, DFT, and QM/MM theoretical calculations are presented.
Language: English
Type (Professor's evaluation): Scientific
Contact: mjramos@fc.up.pt
No. of pages: 11
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